Pathfinder 2 Simple Encounter

Simple encounters for Pathfinder 2.

tools for - pf2 encounters

Levels: Terrain:

1 or more... Bugbear
At... smith
They... are burying something or digging something up
Possibly... They sport the symbol of a local power group

1 or more... Sprite
At... messenger
They... are waiting for something or someone
Possibly... They are mysteriously protected by another creature

1 or more... Flash Beetle
At... witch
They... are exploring the area
Possibly... With them are young or other dependent(s)

1 or more... Leopard
At... guard
They... are foraging for food, plants or herbs
Possibly... They have a magic item in their possession

1 or more... Boar
At... artisan
They... are following a trail or guide
Possibly... They are part of or owned by a nearby tribe or settlement