Simple encounters for Pathfinder 2.
1 or more... LeshyAt... sculptorThey... are searching for the PCsPossibly... With them are young or other dependent(s)
1 or more... LeshyAt... outlawThey... are following a trail or guidePossibly... They are part of or owned by a nearby tribe or settlement
1 or more... Ball PythonAt... guardThey... are waiting in ambush or hidingPossibly... There is a thunderstorm
1 or more... Flash BeetleAt... smithThey... are making a lot of noise or on patrolPossibly... One or more of them is unconscious
1 or more... PterosaurAt... fungi farmerThey... are making a new home or lairPossibly... One of them is close to dying or giving birth
Alliterative Adversaries pdf for Fantasy