5e D&D Character Idea

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character

tools for - dnd5e adventurers


Valtha is a female forest gnome warlock

Background - noble
Family - a power of battle and a titan use your family as pawns in their old contest. two family members are rich. You see omens and portents everywhere

Trait - I like to use words and phrases from other cultures
Ideal - Adaptability. The world is in motion and we must move with it or be left behind
Bond - I wish to have many stories told of me when I am gone
Flaw - Pride will be my downfall

Trinket - a glittering shard of glass
Possible Pet - Fu-el is an aggressive mastiff. They sometimes glow with a dim light and are resistant to fire damage. you fell in love with them in a shop

Wen Sepret is a male mountain dwarf wizard

Background - urchin
Family - You were raised by your grandparents.

Trait - My favorite thing is a relaxed drink with friends
Ideal - Freedom. Everyone should be able to walk their own path
Bond - I will face any challenge to win the approval of my family
Flaw - I'll risk anything for wealth and status

Trinket - a tongue made from flint decorated with twinkling stars
Possible Pet - Brug is a shining dog. They want to be the center of attention and they were a gift from a lover

Gorim is a male dark elf wizard

Background - noble
Family - a strange spirit and a dragon use your family as pawns in their old contest. a family member are rich. You see them in your dreams

Trait - My favorite thing is a relaxed drink with friends
Ideal - Greed. Wealth and a better life are the reasons for the adventuring life
Bond - I record each day in my journals. Think how many pages I will fill in my lifetime
Flaw - I'll risk anything for wealth and status

Trinket - a lavender piece of coloured glass signed by a legendary warrior which crawls along by itself
Possible Pet - Rascal is a scaled clockwork pet. They wear a small bell or other item that makes a noise

Zasheir Dumein is a male rock gnome rogue

Background - folk hero
Family - you have two siblings. Your father is a renowned boatmaker and recently died

Trait - My good looks are there for all to see
Ideal - Tradition. The tales and legends of my people must be remembered and passed on to others
Bond - I entered seclusion to hide from the ones who might still be hunting me. I must someday confront them
Flaw - I'll risk anything for wealth and status

Trinket - an immaculate clasp made from satin
Possible Pet - Heron is a dark horse. They are always bringing you dead things as gifts

Salaben is a halfling paladin

Background - charlatan
Family - You family life was dominated by...quarrel with family member.

Trait - I am tolerant of other people, cultures and beliefs
Ideal - Freedom. Everyone should be able to walk their own path
Bond - Wealth is a way to ensure survival in the world
Flaw - I seek immortality at any cost

Trinket - a hunk of jade that gives the owner dreams of eternal day
Possible Pet - Prince is a sleepy wolf. They are very territorial and they were a gift from a friend