D&D Notable Location

A location that is known locally or further afield, as a landmark, place of history, magical danger or otherwise noteworthy.

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Ruins of South Reach is a stepping stones. It is disguised by a hallucinatory terrain. It is disguised by a hallucinatory terrain.
A hidden wood. It is at a crossroads. It has a programmed illusion.
The Tomb of the Thunderous Queen is a monastery. It is at a river crossing. It is a dead magic zone (similar to an antimagic field).
A magnificent meeting of two rivers. It was where a demigod was born.
A radiant mesa. is the subject of a song.
Ruins of Sahuaginstow is a bridge. It is desecrated ground. It has a panoramic view.
Ruins of Grimhaven is a ruins. It is in a field. It is in the area of a hallow spell. It is in an area affected by a mirage arcana.
A sentient manor. It is protected by a suit of animated armor.
Kuskyn's Weald is a garden. It is the birthplace of a scheming ghost. It is associated with a dangerous mage. was for a festival by a greedy king a decade ago.
Ruins of Malwells is a druidic cliff. It is cursed ground. has the burial site of a hated god.