D&D Notable Location

A location that is known locally or further afield, as a landmark, place of history, magical danger or otherwise noteworthy.

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An unusual tavern. It is cursed by a fairy godmother. It is disguised by a hallucinatory terrain.
A floating wizard's tower. It is protected by a druid. It is touched by air magic. is where an entity was imprisoned.
A decorated beast pen. It is in a field. It was the site of a great battle - giants barely defeated a powerful fiend and a ruler's tomb is build here. It is touched by earth magic. was for a wedding by a religious captain a decade ago.
A colorful waterfall. It is at the edge of a lake. It is protected by an awakened shrub.
A magical waterfall. It is at the top of a hill. It is a place where swans often congregate. is from another realm.
A part-buried lair. It is in a field. was for a festival by a greedy leader a decade ago.
Gate of Lannissall is an overgrown island. It was the site of a renowned tragedy. It is a dead magic zone (similar to an antimagic field). is where famous lovers fled.
Ruins of Freyshaw is a lake. It is in a meadow. It is touched by the Shadowfell. It is associated with rams.
A planar waterfall.
A warded glacier. It is where famous lovers fled. It is sacred to a power of honour. was the site of a renowned battle - servants of a deity destroyed gnomes and ghosts haunt the place.