Adventure Location

Short location for an encounter, ambush or distraction. Options for a possible interesting extra.

tools for - dnd5e encounters location

terrain: Terrain Type:

A house. There is a lodge with a twisted sapling (there is a rainbow)
A shrine to a power of light (there are several bones)
A clearing of black mushrooms (there is the scent of jasmine)
A group of green berries (the area has a programmed illusion)
A pile of ash surrounded by debris (there are several puddles)
A whitewashed bridge across a river (there is a wanted poster for a murderer)
A group of orange plants (which is protected by a druid)
A crumbling small monument (there is the skull of a beast)
A fish-filled river with a rocky island. There is an edible ring of mushrooms with a body hanging from a pole (nearby is a small island)
An isolated farm (which is associated with a mysterious clockwork-monster)