D&D Quick NPC

NPC based on 3 line npc method with a quick visible trait and name, a bit of personality and a hook or activity.

tools for - dnd5e npcs

type: ancestry:

Parsa is an envious white dragonborn hermit with a crooked posture and a basket of food. They are always talking about their first battle and are currently laughing at something
Lhamboldennish Surina is an inventive dragonborn criminal with an ugly nose ring and a weird costume. She is fascinated by tieflings and seeks help in investigating a mystery involving a curse
Kune Thardrak is an enthusiastic spy with an assortment of crossbows. They believe a beautiful bounty hunter is a rival and are currently looking at a shallow waterhole
Miri is a gaudy human guild artisan with a young quipper in water companion. She is offended by talk of orcs and has a short side quest for the characters
Who smells of pine, Reddlepop "Header" Loofollue is a tough farmer. They are blustering with others and are currently playing a board game
Heno is a swashbuckling female barbarian with a variety of warding trinkets. She likes religion and is the lover of a cruel warlock
Glatme is a grim rock gnome hunter with a young goat companion and an always furrowed brow. They are unable to hide emotions and have a bet for a character
Igor Porridgepot is a suave male halfling wearing rags and a gap-toothed smile. He is obsessed with spiders and is currently looking for entertainment
Erminera is a pious female halfling with a beautiful clasp. She loves singing and is currently crying over a misfortune
Barakas is a reclusive male tiefling priest with burnt arms. He believes in doing the right thing and seeks ancient elven secrets