D&D One Shot

An outline for a one-shot adventure with the situation, what the characters are, the aim of the one-shot, events during it and an ending.

tools for - dnd5e oneshot quest


The characters are famous rulers of a city-state who must put on a fashion show.
It is at an arcane magical laboratory which is disguised by a hallucinatory terrain.
There are plant creatures enjoying intoxicating mushrooms. And a dwarven painter seeks to steal a fey axe.
At some point a character learns something useful with an Investigate check.
As the adventure progresses more and more things light on fire

The PCs are hungry fighters who must slay a pious gorge. It might involve planar travelers.
There is a helpful druid who betrays them partway through. they are part of same faction as a character.
The characters start on a sinking vessel. Early on they encounter an invisible wall. If things slow down a character has to make a roll to notice something.
It finishes with the start of an apocalypse. Possible sequel... the adventure becomes the first of a multi-part quest around the same theme

The PCs are heroic giant hunters who must make a necromantic shield. One or more characters has an inquisitive pet. It might involve wolves.
There is a talkative city rooftops who falls in love with a character. they share a hobby with a character.
The characters start on the road about to encounter someone. Partway through there is a feast. If things get stuck a deity sends a sign.
At the end there is feasting in an inn.

The PCs are dramatic githzerai who must investigate the curse of a draconic necklace. The mood might be... deadly serious
There is a mysterious noble who comes with them. they are the childhood friend of a character.
The characters start in a tense stand-off. Early on they spot foes who are unaware of them. If things get stuck they discover a magic item.
It finishes with a cut-scene of each character.

The PCs are renowned witch hunters who must protect a famous artifact. Two of the characters have fallen in love. The mood might be... tense
There is a famous priest who works against them.
The characters start at a burning tavern. Partway through there is a big fight scene. If things slow down it starts to snow.
At the end there is a cut-scene of each character. Possible sequel... an evil organisation's plans were ruined and try to take revenge on the characters