Adventuring Party of Monsters

A partly-humourous generator of monster adventurers for inspiration, one-shots, villains and rivals. Wight Knights, Lizard Wizards and Vrock-locks arise.

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Big Lodge are rebels...
  • Jolly, a successful stone golem Creation Bard
  • a Horizon Walker named Adowa the Enraptured. a docile gelatinous cube who has a collection of animals from many lands
  • Hatae the Eagle Totem Warrior, a scheming deva who hates the colour blue
  • Fodjour the Drowner the ettercap, an affectionate Conquest Paladin who hates wasting time
  • Lucky, a troubled warhorse Enchanter who is cursed by a witch with bad luck
the Shattered Bridge Friends are scoundrels...
  • led by Helm the Whispers Bard, a swashbuckling black bear
  • Rrath the flying sword, a lucky Abjurer
  • Faridah the Great, a stingy hook horror Fey Wanderer
  • Skamos the Wild Sorcerer, an evil red dragon
  • Mad the Eldritch Knight, an aggressive warhorse who has a docile ghost pig
Parrot Stone Two are mercenaries...
  • Baral the Steward, a despised giant weasel Death Cleric
  • Cock, a deceptive black bear Trickery Cleric who has a red bat
  • Reimund the Old the Conjurer, a pious giant frog
Glorious Boot Shards are adventurers...
  • led by Kerigut the Barbarian the gas spore, a mercenary Arcane Trickster who has agreed to spy for a villain
  • Ea the Hexblade, an outcast nalfeshnee who is often reckless
  • Venture, a fiery beholder Arcane Archer who has a dumb tortoise
  • Katernin Kasillan, a fiendish yeti Swashbuckler who has an old starfish
the Shards are companions...
  • Bo-Bae Lackman the saber-toothed tiger, a powerful Glamor Bard who has a dangerous swarm of quippers
  • Malquis the unicorn, a desperate Rogue who has an amusing duck
  • a Wolf Totem Warrior named Misty. a disciplined white dragon who is a loud speaker
  • a Whispers Bard named "Beggar". a practical magma mephit who hates goblins