Adventuring Party of Monsters

A partly-humourous generator of monster adventurers for inspiration, one-shots, villains and rivals. Wight Knights, Lizard Wizards and Vrock-locks arise.

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the Poets are opportunists...
  • led by Coppermask, a wild-eyed draft horse Fathomless Warlock who has a collection of coins from many lands
  • Mona Goldenbond the Berserker, a sleepy ghoul
  • Buvvie the brass dragon, a good Paladin
  • Skullcrusher the Battle Smith, a lawful giant eagle who has an illuminated blood hawk
Light of Justice are misfits...
  • Piak "Dark" Salthern the flesh golem, a fiendish Life Cleric
  • a Redemption Paladin named Sumnes. a steadfast unicorn who has a dirty cricket
  • Malot the Fearless the Arcane Archer, a fiendish gas spore
  • Luck, an intimidating will-o'-wisp Divine Sorcerer who has a dirty dolphin
Glowing Eagle Lanterns are companions...
  • led by Dworic, a pampered red slaad Inquisitive
  • Regnum the vine blight, a lying Cleric
  • Vanifer, a black brown bear Glamor Bard who has served with an unhappy seer
  • Perra, a dramatic marid Kensai Monk
the League of the Astral Amulet are champions...
  • Viria the Glory Paladin, a religious treant
  • an Astral Self Monk named "Guide". an egotistical stirge who seeks dangerous magical secrets
  • Garth, an insecure gold dragon Fighter
  • Doust the giant hyena, an obese Necromancer
  • Bryseis, a mutant darkmantle Genie Warlock
the Seekers of the Heartbroken Sailor are companions...
  • led by an Aberrant Sorcerer named Chi. a fun-loving gas spore who hates cities
  • a Necromancer named "Worg". a bold incubus who has a hidden affiliation with an group faction
  • Dud-Kes, an egotistical green slaad Moon Druid who hates music