5e D&D Character Idea

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character

tools for - dnd5e adventurers


Agmand Bara is a male bronze dragonborn wizard

Background - outlander
Family - You were raised by your grandfather. . You had to contend with being marked by the gods

Trait - I idolize a hero of my people and refer often the their deeds and legends
Ideal - People. The people around me are all that matter, not ideals
Bond - My family are many and I love them all
Flaw - I'll do anything for a chance of glory

Trinket - a yuan-ti necklace of animal teeth with a riddle in Abyssal
Possible Pet - Dryad is a smart poisonous snake. They try to follow you everywhere and think they are a different type of creature

Torra Oldpeak is a tiefling ranger

Background - entertainer
Family - You were raised by your grandmother. you are an only child. You had to contend with being shunned

Trait - I love to hear the ideas of others
Ideal - Destiny. I am fated to do great things. I have a duty to this fate
Bond - I am the last of my family and I will bring my wrath down on those who harmed them
Flaw - I've never satisfied with what I have

Trinket - A worn brooch
Possible Pet - Selune is a scruffy deer. They are healthy and vibrant and change their color to match their surroundings

Cameron Hawley is a male elf rogue

Background - guild artisan
Family - You were raised by your distant relations. . You had to contend with infamy

Trait - I take great pleasure in the simple things of life
Ideal - Destiny. I am fated to do great things. I have a duty to this fate
Bond - I have a growing collection of trophies from the challenges I overcome
Flaw - I dislike everyone who is not like me

Trinket - A mosaic tile with a multi-colored glazed surface
Possible Pet - Quasit is an excited giant badger. They like high places and are decades old and have existing far longer than should be possible

Eida is a female half-orc artificer

Background - guild merchant
Family - Your father is a famed painter and your mother is a renowned necromancer. You are the eldest child and loved by everyone

Trait - I love to hear the ideas of others
Ideal - Aspiration. I work to be the best at what I do
Bond - I want to make stories of myself that are told for generations
Flaw - I spend money as fast as it comes to me

Trinket - a locket made from canvas
Possible Pet - Warrior is a horse. They always welcome strangers and you won them in a bet or game

Merth Stormwind is a half-elf cleric

Background - gladiator
Family - One of your grandparents destroyed an artifact. You and your siblings have grown up hearing of their deeds and seek to follow them

Trait - I frequently fall in love
Ideal - Faith. If I do the right thing then my faith will be rewarded in kind
Bond - Where I grew up is my home, and I'll fight to defend it
Flaw - I dislike everyone who is not like me

Trinket - an ancient figurine of an unicorn made from glass with the name "Pirate" Agis inscribed into it
Possible Pet - Shar is a toad. They are very impressive at begging and you rescued them from a laboratory or other place