Five Room Dungeon

Five Room Dungeons are a type of adventure which includes a mythic story structure in the rooms. This includes Entrance (and guardian), Puzzle or rpg challenge, Trick or setback, Showdown or climax and Reward / Revelation / Plot Twist. There is a full description on Roleplaying Tips.

tools for - fantasy dungeon

the Pyramid of Screams

First Area. The entrance is a passage at the bottom of a well. There are multiple entrances and only one of them leads to the true dungeon
Area 2. One or more sentries are on watch, part of a larger group off in a side chamber
Area 3. An NPC that came with them betrays them in some way
Showdown. The enemy leader is weaker than expected and an underling is revealed as the big threat. The area is a laboratory of some kind. Afterwards the enemy leader returns as through a minion and swears vengeance
Finally. There is treasure to be had but it is dangerous to get because of a lava lake.

the Fortress of Fire

First Area. The entrance is a wooden door in a cliff face. One or more sentries are on watch, part of a larger group off in a side chamber
Area 2. A complex mechanism of moving sections that blocks their path
Area 3. They find the way to their main objective but to get through requires something from elsewhere in the dungeon
Showdown. The lair is trapped and the enemy leader can move around without setting traps off. There is a large pool of water. Afterwards a minion comes forward with the wishes of the enemy leader
Finally. A strong final guardian lets them take a small reward or fight them for everything.

the Palace of Mirrors

First Area. The entrance is at the bottom of a deep pit. A creature has made their lair at the entrance
Area 2. A dangerous trap that the inhabitants can ignore
Area 3. Dangerous debris from a collapse covers a trap
Showdown. The enemy leader has underlings attack while they look on from a suitable vantage point. A series of steps lead to a raised platform. The enemy leader tries to give a monologue before dealing with PCs
Finally. They find out the enemy leader was related to the group in some way.

Nightrune Chasm

First Area. The entrance is a grinning demon mouth. The "entrance" is fake and leads to a monster lair. The real entrance is hidden nearby
Area 2. A dangerous mechanism of moving parts that can be navigated with caution
Area 3. If the group break the portal out of here a sphere of solid force entraps them for a while and sounds an alarm
Showdown. The enemy leader appears to hate one of the characters and targets them first. There is a statue to a dark power. A minion demands to know what reason they have for attacking the enemy leader
Finally. More opponents ambush them as they are weakened from the Showdown.

the Pits of Gilded Oblivion

First Area. The entrance is an ancient door carved with warnings. A group of guardians guard the entrance
Area 2. A mad NPC is trapped here. If they helped they provide vital information
Area 3. They find the way to their main objective but to get through requires something from elsewhere in the dungeon
Showdown. The lair is trapped and the enemy leader can move around without setting traps off. A large summoning circle dominates the room. Afterwards other minions offer to show hidden treasure if shown mercy
Finally. Bonus treasure is uncovered that leads elsewhere. a deed to some land.

the Resplendent Rift of Banefist

First Area. The entrance is a chimney. The entrance is easy for inhabitants to pass through but not others
Area 2. The entrance is guarded by a creature who can sound an alarm
Area 3. New information here points to a greater conflict happening here that this is just a part of
Showdown. The enemy leader has an unusual piece of equipment. There are several ledges holding minions with missile weapons. Afterwards other minions offer to show hidden treasure if shown mercy
Finally. They find out the enemy leader was important to the group in some way.

the Hold of the Draconic Master

First Area. The entrance is underneath a civilised structure. The entrance has a magical ward designed to scare creatures away
Area 2. A magical puzzle that if solved can give a special blessing or reward
Area 3. A group of hostile inhabitants with the same weaknesses as the Showdown challenge
Showdown. The enemy leader appears to hate one of the characters and targets them first. There is an open pit with a dangerous liquid within. A minion demands to know what reason they have for attacking the enemy leader
Finally. A strong final guardian lets them take a small reward or fight them for everything.

Blackrune Garden

First Area. The entrance is a mineshaft . The entrance is hazardous and requires special skills or equipment to bypass
Area 2. An NPC they know but not expected here - maybe working here
Area 3. The entrance is guarded by a group of creatures who can sound an alarm
Showdown. Shortly into the encounter the enemy leader retreats to a second, better prepared chamber. There is a moving platform of some kind here. Halfway through the enemy leader tries to come to an agreement
Finally. There is another guardian in the hoard.

Coldrune Rift

First Area. The entrance is a sinkhole. The entrance is a temple who inhabitants are unwilling to let intruders through
Area 2. A dangerous trap that the inhabitants can ignore
Area 3. The entrance is guarded by one or more creatures
Showdown. The enemy leader awaits them in a defensive chamber. Careful characters will find preparations are not ready. There are several ledges holding minions with missile weapons. The enemy leader talks to the characters, trying to get news or information from them
Finally. The inhabitants were stopping a great evil from escaping.

Goldforge Maelstrom

First Area. The entrance is at bottom of a lake. The entrance is easy for inhabitants to pass through but not others
Area 2. A dangerous trap that the inhabitants can ignore
Area 3. A group of guardians about to be relieved by others
Showdown. The enemy leader has a champion that fights the characters first. There is a bridge over something perilous. Afterwards prisoners are angry with the characters for some reason
Finally. The inhabitants were stopping a great evil from escaping.