Five Room Dungeon

Five Room Dungeons are a type of adventure which includes a mythic story structure in the rooms. This includes Entrance (and guardian), Puzzle or rpg challenge, Trick or setback, Showdown or climax and Reward / Revelation / Plot Twist. There is a full description on Roleplaying Tips.

tools for - fantasy dungeon

Highstone Hill

First Area. The entrance is at the bottom of a deep pit. The entrance is hazardous and requires special skills or equipment to bypass
Area 2. A powerful creature it is better to befriend than fight
Area 3. A dangerous group of inhabitants are here. Possibly forewarned of the PCs if they haven't been careful
Showdown. The enemy leader has some weaknesses and there were clues to these in previous areas. There is a prominent statue or throne here. Afterwards other minions offer to show hidden treasure if shown mercy
Finally. There is another guardian in the treasure container.

the Watch of the Enchanted Eight

First Area. The entrance is a river entrance. One or more sentries are on watch, part of a larger group off in a side chamber
Area 2. An rival or servant of the inhabitants willing to help them for the right price
Area 3. There is a one-way exit here back to the main entrance (teleporter/chute/fast-flowing river/one-way door)
Showdown. The enemy leader has a champion that fights the characters first. Mirrors or chains line the walls. The enemy leader tries to give a monologue before dealing with PCs
Finally. A captive that they rescue wasn't kidnapped but wanted to be here and is angry.

the Pits of the Solemn Knave

First Area. The entrance is behind a waterfall. The entrance is guarded by one or more creatures
Area 2. A complex mechanism of moving sections that blocks their path
Area 3. There is a dangerous trap here. If triggered it also forewarns the Showdown challenge.
Showdown. The lair is trapped and the enemy leader can set traps off at opportune moments. There is a bridge over something perilous. The enemy leader tries to stall the characters because minions need time to hide a treasure
Finally. A captive that they rescue wasn't kidnapped but wanted to be here and is heartbroken.

the Luminous Pillars of Lightsong

First Area. The entrance is a ventilation shaft. The entrance has an alarm and a magical ward
Area 2. An rival or servant of the inhabitants willing to help them for the right price
Area 3. A group of guardians guard the entrance
Showdown. The enemy leader is weaker than expected and an underling is revealed as the big threat. There is a covered pit with a dangerous liquid within. Afterwards prisoners thank the characters for freeing them
Finally. A captive that they rescue wasn't kidnapped but wanted to be here and is angry.

the Beacon of the Dead

First Area. The entrance is a passage at the bottom of a well. The entrance has a magical ward
Area 2. An unhappy but powerful guardian gives hints to another way past it
Area 3. A powerful guardian guards the entrance
Showdown. Shortly into the encounter the enemy leader retreats to a second, better prepared chamber. A large cage or mechanical device dominates one corner. The enemy leader tries to give a monologue before dealing with PCs
Finally. A strong final guardian lets them take a small reward or fight them for everything.

the Shrine of the Barren Idol

First Area. The entrance is a sinkhole. A creature has made their lair at the entrance
Area 2. The guardian of the bridge requests a toll to pass
Area 3. A group of hostile inhabitants with the same weaknesses as the Showdown challenge
Showdown. There are two enemy leaders here working in partnership. They are lovers. The area is a laboratory of some kind. The enemy leader starts off peaceful but becomes more and more angry as they talk
Finally. Bonus treasure is uncovered that leads elsewhere. a treasure map.

the Watch of Bone

First Area. The entrance is a mineshaft concealed by foliage. The entrance has a magical ward
Area 2. An NPC they know but not expected here - maybe as a hostage
Area 3. The entrance is guarded by one or more creatures
Showdown. The enemy leader has unusual special power. A dangerous pet lives here in a fancy lair. Afterwards prisoners thank the characters for freeing them
Finally. Bonus treasure is uncovered that leads elsewhere. a deed to some land.

the Heart of Peril

First Area. The entrance is a concealed cave entrance. The entrance has a trap designed to scare creatures away
Area 2. A creature which can give map required for easy entry further on
Area 3. A powerful guardian guards the entrance
Showdown. There are two enemy leaders here working in partnership. They are lovers. A series of steps lead to a raised platform. The enemy leader tries to give a monologue before dealing with PCs
Finally. More opponents ambush them as they are weakened from the Showdown.

the Pyramid of the Forgotten Oracle

First Area. The entrance is in the basement of a mansion. The entrance is guarded by a group of creatures who can sound an alarm
Area 2. Ghosts acting out former lives. If hepled or talked to can reveal secrets about dungeon
Area 3. The inhabitants are playing an unusual and dangerous game
Showdown. The enemy leader tries to settle things in an unusual way such as a duel. A large cage or mechanical device dominates one corner. The enemy leader tries to stall the characters because a device is powering up
Finally. The enemy leader returns to fight them as a familiar.

the Shadowed Pillars of Horrors

First Area. The entrance is a well. One or more sentries are on watch, part of a larger group off in a side chamber
Area 2. A magical puzzle that must be solved to avoid setting off an alarm
Area 3. Dangerous debris from a collapse covers a secret way into the Showdown
Showdown. The enemy leader appears to hate one of the characters and targets them first. A large fire is ready to go. Afterwards the enemy leader returns as through a minion and swears vengeance
Finally. More opponents take advantage as they are weakened from the Showdown.