Adventuring Group Name

Names for a group of adventurers, heroes or mercenaries. Chosen by themselves or used by others. Mix of heroic, fantastical, whimsical and some uniques

tools for - fantasy adventurers

Unlucky Frog Bunch
Society of the Charcoal Diggers
Crew of the Green Cook
The Delvers
Big Bee Band
Houndsfield Horses
Marked of the Mead
Servant's Mere Brawlers
Kindred of the Unlikely Grove
Trapdoor Troopers
Knights of the Castle
Five Seekers and a Grapes
Illuminated Fire Riders
Archers of the Underhand
Six Stags and a Bison
The Heroes
Fellowship of the Beacon
The Wise Riders of the Heartbroken Bottle
The Eyes
Acclaimed Order of the Broken Chest
The Scarlet Robin Agents
The Solemn Serpent Squad
Heroes of the West Gate
Halfrock Rebels
Scions of the Thirteen Titans