Quick Fantasy Village

Short description of a fantasy village or hamlet. Some with populations and a distinctive feature

Mudmark has a tunnel network below it, used in an annual festival with a treasure hunt. Recently there are signs of fey in the tunnels
Castle Daggercroft is a neat village with a population of 157. It is led by a council of elders
Low Grimmark is an unusual outpost with a population of 558. It is led by a wealthy farmer
The miserable village of Mustree grew up around a haunted tower
Shadowsgarden claims to be protected by fey
Impchester is proud to be built near a magical inn
The lovely village of Over Worburn is on an island and known for its fish. Coracles are used to get everywhere and they have a shrine to a many-tentacled being
Torlusk is a dilapidated village with a population of 224. It is led by a shapeshifter posing as a magistrate
The settlers of Reshsgate claim to descend from a witch
Inkcham is an agricultural village with a population of 129. It is led by a druid of a power of law