WFRP Dwarf Beer

Dwarf beers, stouts, ales served from mountain holds, human lands and worldwide.

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The legendary Grimstone has an aggressive taste followed by a sweet aftertaste. This one tastes like sewage
Zakanzor's Pale Stout has a metallic flavour
The fabulous Steelglass Cider smells like lemons. This one has an unfortunate flavour
The fabled Stonegate Porter is favoured by soldiers. This one has a nutty flavour
Bertrok's Vegetable Porter has a balanced taste. This one has a heart created in the foam
Hurgroma's Amber Export has a crisp aroma and is famous in Middenheim. This one has a fingernail floating in it
Jawtwister has been brewed for hundreds of years. This one has a large foam
Firemace has a robust taste followed by a grainy aftertaste and is sought after by Norse. This one has been watered-down
Hakadok's Exploding Ale has a strange taste followed by a zesty aftertaste. This one has a ring at the bottom
Westfoam is traditionally served with spirits