WFRP Forest Encounters

Simple encounters for the forests of the Old World.

tools for - wfrp encounters forest

At... A wooded valley
Are... A tinker

At... An insect-covered area of bright mushrooms
Are... A lone wolf

At... A mossy area of short grass
Are... A large bear

At... A deep river with a small bridge
Are... Demigryphs

At... A clearing with a vine-choked shrine to a forgotten power
Are... A riding horse

At... An insect-covered orchard
Are... A group of mutants led by a chaos warrior

At... A reed-filled hot spring
Are... A village elder with more a family member

At... A strange tower
Are... A rock troll

At... A mossy meadow
Are... Herd of goats

At... A tended hedge
Are... A group of mutants