5e D&D Character Idea - Dwarf

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
They are associated with hammers and axes, gold and beer, known for their holds in hills, mountains and the Underdark

tools for - dnd5e adventurers dwarf


Hlin Brightfist is a female dwarf Fighter

Background - Soldier
Family - You have six sisters and your family has a large tradition of agriculture. Your last remaining parent is in decline and the family is in competition to inherit valuable land
Clan Traditional Foe - ogres

Trait - I have an appreciation of fine craftsmanship no matter who made it
Ideal - Greed. Wealth is it's own reward
Bond - I owe a great debt, and will do anything to repay it
Flaw - I bear grudges for every slight

Trinket - An old ring made from glass and ivory that was given to you at birth
Possible Pet - Luna is a small hedgehog. They like lying in the sun

Jormoug Battlepass is a male dwarf Barbarian

Background - Criminal
Family - You have two siblings, your mother is a smith and your father a healer. As the eldest child you were expected to follow one of them in their trade but you have other ideas
Clan Traditional Foe - a devil

Trait - I am tolerant of other people, cultures and beliefs
Ideal - Adaptability. The world is in motion and we must move with it or be left behind
Bond - I seek to become a master of my craft
Flaw - I am too often wrapped up in my own world

Trinket - A tankard made from gold with a name carved in Undercommon
Possible Pet - Scales is a crazy eel. They are injured

Dain Deepale is a male dwarf Ranger

Background - Sailor
Family - Your father is a skilled cook and your mother is a skilled conjurer. You are the eldest child and expected to keep up the family tradition
Clan Traditional Foe - aberrations

Trait - I describe everything in terms of war and combat
Ideal - Live and Let Live. Ideals aren't worth killing over or going to war for
Bond - I am outcast from my clan, my friends are my family now.
Flaw - I love ale and spirits more than anything else in my life

Trinket - A petrified dwarf scalp
Possible Pet - Volo is a scaled goat. They are very lazy and are healthy and vibrant

Jardryn is a dwarf Fighter

Background - Sage
Family - you have no siblings. Your family has a martial background Your last parent is presumed dead and is planning a massive funeral

Trait - I eat like a pig and have bad manners
Ideal - Might. The dwarves have survived by being strong
Bond - My tribe is the most important thing in my life, even when far away
Flaw - I love ale and spirits more than anything else in my life

Trinket - A charred pair of knucklebone dice with the word "Dreams" carved in Dwarvish
Possible Pet - Basil is a swarm of beetles. They regard everything as possible food and your family breed this type of creature

Ilde Glanhig is a dwarf Cleric

Background - Entertainer
Family - Your father is a feared sorcerer and your mother a renowned brewer of Bronzefist Malt. You are their only child and had a non-traditional upbringing

Trait - I know many dwarven drinking songs, the louder the better
Ideal - Responsibility. It is our duty to uphold laws and respect authority
Bond - I wish my childhood sweetheart had come with me to pursue my destiny
Flaw - I love ale and spirits more than anything else in my life

Trinket - An ornate finger made from an unknown material with a inspirational quote etched in Dwarvish
Possible Pet - Buddy is a copper strange construct. They have a limited form of telepathy that can convey emotions within 30 ft.