5e D&D Character Idea - Dwarf

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
They are associated with hammers and axes, gold and beer, known for their holds in hills, mountains and the Underdark

tools for - dnd5e adventurers dwarf


Kristryd Pitbuckle is a female dwarf Barbarian

Background - Charlatan
Family - You have ten siblings and half-siblings. Your father, Dumik, has no craft and is shunned by traditional society. He is always borrowing money and things from his children
Clan Traditional Foe - kobolds

Trait - I have a love of the tales and stories behind old things
Ideal - Glory. I must perform great deeds for my name to resonate through the centuries
Bond - Those who fight beside me are those worth dying for
Flaw - I love ale and spirits more than anything else in my life

Trinket - An old mirror made from brass and quartz with a name written in Undercommon
Possible Pet - Mist is a weasel. They change their color to match their surroundings

Werydd is a female dwarf Warlock

Background - Entertainer
Family - You were orphaned young but extended clan have looked after you. You have moved from home to home and received a mixed education. A cousin recently told you a secret about your parents

Trait - I am tolerant of other people, cultures and beliefs
Ideal - Responsibility. It is the duty of all people to make the world around them a good place
Bond - My ancestor speaks to me in dreams and omens and guides my path
Flaw - I always want more than what I have

Trinket - An ornate beard-comb made from crystal
Possible Pet - Flumph is an ugly frog. They are always getting lost but turn up in the strangest of places. your family breed this type of creature

Eridred Strongmantle is a female dwarf Wizard

Background - Acolyte
Family - One of your ancestors died in a great battle against giants. You and two siblings have grown up hearing tales of their deeds and the family members who tried to imitate them
Clan Traditional Foe - mind flayers

Trait - I know many dwarven drinking songs, the louder the better
Ideal - Honor. My word is as unbending as iron
Bond - I am in love with the heir of a family that my family despises
Flaw - I am too often wrapped up in my own world

Trinket - A tankard made from gold with a name carved in Undercommon
Possible Pet - Tempus is a falcon. They are covered in thick fur or hair and they were given to you by family

Balifra Holderhek is a female dwarf Ranger

Background - Acolyte
Family - You were raised by humans, gnomes or halflings. You have 3 adopted siblings, half love you and half hate you. One of your adoptive parents went to a dwarfhold recently and has not returned
Clan Traditional Foe - hobgoblins

Trait - I can't pay attention to anything for long
Ideal - Might. The dwarves have survived by being strong
Bond - I would die for my beliefs
Flaw - I refuse to believe that anything is superior to dwarf workmanship

Trinket - A small piece of jet with a lucky phrase etched in Ignan
Possible Pet - Cyclops is a pseudodragon. They have been reanimated.

Hordrom Trollkiller is a male dwarf Fighter

Background - Charlatan
Family - You were raised by your father. . You had to contend with being born of violence

Trait - I take pains to keep myself well-groomed and tidy
Ideal - Adventure. To keep testing yourself against new challenges is to live fully
Bond - I owe a great debt, and will do anything to repay it
Flaw - I refuse to believe that anything is superior to dwarf workmanship

Trinket - An ornate finger made from an unknown material with a inspirational quote etched in Dwarvish
Possible Pet - Sooty is a demanding badger. They are always going missing and your family breed this type of creature