5e D&D Character Idea - Elf

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
They are associated with magic, archery and long lives, attractive for having a different mindset due to living for centuries and having innate grace and style

tools for - dnd5e adventurers elf


Broe is a female elf Ranger

Background - Noble
Family - You were adopted by another race. you have one older sister and one younger sister ou had to contend with a bastard birth

Trait - I like to use words and phrases from other cultures
Ideal - My soul is bound to another. We will part and find each other again many times
Bond - I work to restore an ancient place of magic
Flaw - I wonder if the world would be a better place with the elves in charge

Trinket - A glass figurine of an elegant wizard's tower
Possible Pet - Damona is a rare fish. They are covered in thick fur or hair and they were a gift from a lover

Ferfanric Xistsrith is an elf Sorcerer

Background - Hermit
Family - You were raised by merchants. Your adopted siblings torment you. You recently learnt that your parents are still alive

Trait - I use simple words so that others can understand me
Ideal - I seek vengeance for a wrong done to the elves centuries ago
Bond - My curiosity often blinds me to danger
Flaw - Living for a few centuries isn't enough so I seek immortality

Trinket - A grinning cat pendant that was given to you when you became an adult
Elven wine - Lemondance Wine has a fresh taste and a heady aroma and is traditionally drunk at dawn.
Possible Pet - Gnome is a sea horse. They are covered in scars and they were a gift from a friend

Quelenna Ariessus is a female elf Fighter

Background - Charlatan
Family - You have several half-elven brothers and siblings and grew up in a loud and chaotic home of noise, song, dance and art.

Trait - I compare everything to the wonders of my homeland
Ideal - I have left my family driven by visions of a greater destiny
Bond - My soul is bound to another. We will part and find each other again many times
Flaw - I have a weaknesses for wine, sweet foods and pretty faces

Trinket - An ivory quiver with a secret compartment that can hold 2 arrows
Possible Pet - Volo is a fox. They change their color to match their surroundings and they belonged to a friend or relation but preferred you instead

Lucan Ofandrus is an elf Cleric

Background - Outlander
Family - Your parents died at the zoo. You grew up close you your two brothers and two sisters. The oldest sibling is in deep debt

Trait - I admire those with style or wealth
Ideal - I have sworn not to return home until I have reclaimed an ancient elven artifact taken long ago
Bond - My art is everything and I am ready to create it wherever I go
Flaw - I've lost too many friends and have trouble making new ones

Trinket - A crystal amulet with a picture of a dwarf and the word "Forever" written in Celestial
Elven wine - Lemondance Wine has a fresh taste and a heady aroma and is traditionally drunk at dawn.
Possible Pet - Champion is a scarred frog. They love to be held

Riardon is an elf Monk

Background - Sage
Family - Your father is a famed wizard and your mother is a renowned baker. You are the eldest child and loved by everyone

Trait - I am always planting seeds and tending trees and will come back to visit each in a decade or so
Ideal - I have left my family driven by visions of a greater destiny
Bond - I find it hard to see beasts badly treated
Flaw - I'm very sensitive about ear jokes

Trinket - A journal of a century with a hundred pages to be filled one every year. It has one entry so far.
Possible Pet - Grell is a pampered sea turtle. They hate your close friends and can play or make a tune