5e D&D Character Idea - Halforc

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
Half orcs are often they are associated with savagery, great axes, ferocity, barbarians and difficult childhoods. Some grow up in orcish cultures, others in human and some in-between or another place entirely different.

tools for - dnd5e adventurers halforc


Arveene is a half-orc Monk

Background - Criminal
Family - You were raised by your mother in a society that shunned you. There were many ill-omens at your birth

Trait - I laugh loud and often, for tomorrow I may not laugh at all
Ideal - Creativity. The world is in need of new ideas and bold action
Bond - I seek to build a place where everyone is welcome. A home to all
Flaw - I am harsh on others but harsher on myself

Trinket - A cursed armband of iron given to you by a chieftain
Human backstory element - pact with a devil
Possible Pet - Fang is a happy pig with very large teeth who loves snow

Meilil is a half-orc Warlock

Background - Sailor
Family - Your parents died when you were young and extended family have looked after you. No one told you about your parents for years and spent much of your youth alone. Your father had an unfinished quest

Trait - I bathe once a year
Ideal - Curiosity. Finding about everything will make for the best stories
Bond - I will face any challenge to win the approval of my family
Flaw - An innocent person is in prison for a crime that I committed. I’m okay with that

Trinket - An ivory bracelet with the symbol of an orcish tribe
Savage heritage - You have a blood feud with an orcish tribe
Human backstory element - a barded warhorse
Possible Pet - Battleaxe is a weasel who gets excited around strangers and eats nearly anything

Krusk Ulmokina is a half-orc Barbarian

Background - Noble
Family - You were raised by your mother in a society that shunned you. There were many ill-omens at your birth

Trait - I often use physical activity to keep dark thoughts at bay
Ideal - Pride. I will do anything to be the best there is
Bond - I am the last of my family and I will bring my wrath down on those who harmed them
Flaw - I am willing to sacrifice anything to survive

Trinket - A rusted axe blade marked with four runes related to darkness
Human backstory element - a duck-feather pillow
Possible Pet - This aggressive beetle is named after a feared orc leader. They are always going missing

Ohr is a male half-orc Sorcerer

Background - Urchin
Family - You were adopted by aunts and uncles. ou had to contend with being heir to a legacy

Trait - I get bored when others talk too much
Ideal - Glory. Others shall know of my deeds in stories and songs
Bond - Another saved my life when I was young and I will never leave any who need me
Flaw - My hatred of those who wronged me is blind and unwavering

Trinket - A jawbone that is associated with a deity of strength
Possible Pet - Battleaxe is a weasel who gets excited around strangers and eats nearly anything

Gelt Pashar is a half-orc Sorcerer

Background - Criminal
Family - You were raised by among a cult. Your adopted siblings torment you. You recently learnt that you have a family tradition to maintain

Trait - I ask everyone I meet for a joke or a story
Ideal - Honor. A broken oath is a broken person
Bond - I take the comforts of home with me wherever I go
Flaw - I know things will turn out badly

Trinket - A cursed armband of iron given to you by a chieftain
Savage heritage - You keep a piece of every creature you kill
Possible Pet - Hurra is a unique insect covered in hair. They love to make a mess