5e D&D Character Idea - Halforc

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
Half orcs are often they are associated with savagery, great axes, ferocity, barbarians and difficult childhoods. Some grow up in orcish cultures, others in human and some in-between or another place entirely different.

tools for - dnd5e adventurers halforc


Khemed is a half-orc Fighter

Background - Soldier
Family - You come from a proud family of half-orcs who have produced many adventurers

Trait - I take great pleasure in the simple things of life
Ideal - Tradition. The tales and legends of my people must be remembered and passed on to others
Bond - I'll never forget the crushing defeat my company suffered or the enemies who dealt it
Flaw - I am willing to sacrifice anything to survive

Trinket - A one-horned dwarven helmet that smells faintly of urine
Savage heritage - You prefer to sleep on animal furs
Possible Pet - Troll is a cunning spider. They love music and were a gift from a lover

Vorka is a half-orc Barbarian

Background - Sage
Family - You family life was dominated by...betrayal.

Trait - I keep a tight rein on my emotions after past experiences
Ideal - Savagery. I want others to see the pain and rage that lives inside me
Bond - I want to be famous, whatever it takes
Flaw - Pride will be my downfall

Trinket - A hunk of bone that smells of death and blood
Human backstory element - an elderly adventurer
Possible Pet - This aggressive beetle is named after a feared orc leader. They are always going missing

Bai is a half-orc Barbarian

Background - Sailor
Family - Your father brought you up, moving from one city slum to another. You recently received a note from them saying they were in trouble

Trait - I prefer a life of simple pleasure and few worries
Ideal - Aspiration. I will prove my worth to myself and those important to me
Bond - I have left my family driven by visions of a greater destiny
Flaw - I'll risk anything for wealth and status

Trinket - A crude drum with the word "War" marked in Giant
Savage heritage - You prefer to be active during the night
Possible Pet - Shar is a playful mole who is decades old and belonged to a grandparent

Nagrette is a half-orc Cleric

Background - Folk Hero
Family - You come from a proud family of half-orcs who have produced many adventurers

Trait - I love a friendly wager or challenge
Ideal - Respect. All people, whatever their background, deserve respect
Bond - I seek to build a place where everyone is welcome. A home to all
Flaw - I take big risks without worrying about consequences

Trinket - A lifelike artificial eye
Savage heritage - You have several painful looking piercings
Human backstory element - a large family
Possible Pet - Cyclops is a one-eyed hawk who thinks they are a wolf.

Alethra is a half-orc Barbarian

Background - Urchin
Family - You were left to die soon after birth but adopted by another race. You have four siblings who look out for you.

Trait - Every day I struggle against the beast within
Ideal - Strength. The strong get to make the rules that others follow
Bond - I seek to build a place where everyone is welcome. A home to all
Flaw - I am harsh on others but harsher on myself

Trinket - A bone amulet with several large teeth hanging from it
Savage heritage - You keep a piece of every creature you kill
Human backstory element - a large family
Possible Pet - Fang is a happy pig with very large teeth who loves snow