5e D&D Character Idea - Tiefling

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
They are associated with the powers of hell, overcoming adversity and dark pacts. Can give an exotic heritage, a distinctly non-human look or an anti-hero vibe.

tools for - dnd5e adventurers tiefling


Music is a male tiefling Warlock

Background - Sailor
Family - Your parents were often away serving an ancient warlock. You raised yourself and your younger twin sisters in a large house. Last time your father returned he could not say where your mother was.
Distinctive Appearance - I have two tails that tangle and untangle themselves

Trait - I am afraid to sleep because of what dwells in my dreams
Ideal - Freedom. Everyone should be able to walk their own path
Bond - Nothing is more important than the other members of my family
Flaw - I'll do anything for a chance of glory

Trinket - A burnt ivory amulet displaying the rune for "Fire". It is a good luck charm
Possible devilish trait - I could have taken a virtue name such as Scheme or Web (Dispater)
Possible Pet - Druid is a glistening giant frog. They love to jump out on people

Prosperine is a tiefling Cleric

Background - Soldier
Family - You were adopted by distant family. you have no siblings ou had to contend with being shunned
Distinctive Appearance - My horns sway, moving with any wind

Trait - I am fascinated by the lore of devils
Ideal - Knowledge. I seek understanding to unlock the powers of my heritage
Bond - My family is whoever I am traveling with on my journeys
Flaw - I struggle to quell the bloodthirsty dreams that haunt me

Trinket - A book detailing a fiend destroyed 100 years ago
Interested Fiend - Hok the Scornful is a fallen celestial. They are served by a warlock who uses a cult that appears to revere Hok as a deity of good.
Possible Pet - Kas is a rat. They turn invisible when frightened.

Mastema is a tiefling Warlock

Background - Criminal
Family - Your parents used you and your siblings as distractions and accomplices in for their pickpocket gang. Several family members have been caught and punished as by the law.
Distinctive Appearance - My horns grow from beside my cheeks

Trait - I am afraid to sleep because of what dwells in my dreams
Ideal - Charity. I steal from the wealthy so that I can help people in need.
Bond - I want to be famous, whatever it takes
Flaw - I struggle to quell the bloodthirsty dreams that haunt me

Trinket - A pair of hollow brass horns linked by a chain meant to be worn by a tiefling
Interested Fiend - Alasmech is a cunning pit fiend who serves as a general for an archfiend. They haunt the dreams of mortals and plan for the day when they lead a legion of devils to destroy a particular city
Possible devilish trait - I am tormented by my dreams (Glasya)
Possible Pet - Mimic is a jaguar. They are very lazy

Trouble is a tiefling Sorcerer

Background - Urchin
Family - Your cousin brought you up, moving from place to place. Then last summer they went missing, leaving large debts
Distinctive Appearance - My horns grow from beside my cheeks

Trait - I prefer a life of simple pleasure and few worries
Ideal - Magic. Magic is everything. It has power over devils or people and is in my blood
Bond - My blood is my heritage. Should I serve it, listen to it or bind it to my will?
Flaw - I have difficulty seeing the viewpoint of others

Trinket - A damaged hunk of jet that faintly glows when near planar gates
Interested Fiend - Novanthe is an erinyes who was banished by one of your ancestors. A mortal champion now wears the devil's armor and bears other gifts, seeking vengeance in their name.
Possible Pet - Druid is a small mastiff. They can speak but only know four phrases.

Hormarir is a male tiefling Paladin

Background - Folk Hero
Family - you have three sisters. Your mother is a renowned wizard and looked after you
Distinctive Appearance - My horns sway, moving with any wind

Trait - There's nothing I like more than uncovering a secret
Ideal - Aspiration. I work to be the best at what I do
Bond - Any type of forbidden lore is lore I must have
Flaw - A life without vice is not a life worth living

Trinket - A long bone marked with the words “Chaos”, “Glory” and “Betrayal” in Infernal
Interested Fiend - Hok the Scornful is a fallen celestial. They are served by a warlock who uses a cult that appears to revere Hok as a deity of good.
Possible devilish trait - I have an affinity for mountains and long slopes (Glasya)
Possible Pet - Hugs is a lobster. They wear a collar or other item with their name on and you won them in a bet or game