DnD Pets and Companions - Dungeon

Dnd pets and companions for characters and NPCs. Excited badgers, elderly dogs, telepathic ducks and spiteful crows.
Crypts, mines, vaults, monster lairs, labyrinths, catacombs and other subterranean complexes provide the settings of fantasy dungeons


Grung is a spider. They like lying in the sun and have very large ears or eyes
Smithy is a lazy eel. They are missing a limb or body part
Esior is a demanding squirrel. They like to hide shiny things
Sune is a docile jaguar. They regard everything as possible food and are always going missing
Smithy is a happy parrot. They attack or play with lights and are loving and dislikes being away from you
Ruby is a scaled poisonous snake. They attack or play with lights and are affectionate and always wants attention
Buddy is a red owl. They hate your close friends and you won them in a bet or game
Sune is a docile rust monster. They try to follow you everywhere and wear a collar or other item with their name on
Felix is an inquisitive eel. They love to be held and love making a mess
Sloth is an elderly weasel. They always welcome strangers and sometimes glow with a dim light and are resistant to fire damage