DnD Pets and Companions - Dungeon

Dnd pets and companions for characters and NPCs. Excited badgers, elderly dogs, telepathic ducks and spiteful crows.
Crypts, mines, vaults, monster lairs, labyrinths, catacombs and other subterranean complexes provide the settings of fantasy dungeons


Satyr is a yellow dog. They are very overweight and like high places
Rascal is a glistening songbird. They jump on you when you are trying to get to sleep and have a limited form of telepathy that can convey emotions within 30 ft
Tempus is an old toad. They know and can cast one cantrip.
Droplet is an ugly giant octopus. They try to spend all their time in or near water
Bubbles is a playful giant crab. They are healthy and vibrant
Shadow is a jaguar. They can play or make a tune. you rescued them from a laboratory or other place
Scratch is a pampered toad. They are loving and dislikes being away from you
Rodin is a playful panther. They are always getting muddy
Princess is a dark sea turtle. They won't forgive you for several days if you annoy them
Misty is a swarm of spiders. They try to chase things