DnD Pets and Companions - Sea

Dnd pets and companions for characters and NPCs. Excited badgers, elderly dogs, telepathic ducks and spiteful crows.
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks


Gull is a blind giant octopus. They have a coat or other item that mostly covers them and you fell in love with them in a shop
Karma is an ornamental swarm of crabs. They think they are a different type of creature
Daucina is a spirit jackal. They get excited around strangers
Suijin is an eel. They wear a collar or other item with their name on and have very large ears or eyes
Amemasu is a scruffy starfish. They are injured
Sune is a lobster. They love playing with new toys and like high places
Llyr is a crab. They attack or play with lights and have unexplained scales or hair
Njord is an unique fish. They are very territorial
Poltergeist is an excitable lobster. They love to jump out on people and have very large ears or eyes
Peaks is an inquisitive rare seabird. They are marked with an elven rune