Fantasy Quick Encounter - Faerie

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
This is a realm of eternal twilight, a spectacular reflection of mortal one. It brings visions of sparkling faerie lights, idyllic forest glades, sinister black bogs and skull-like mountains. Encounters could take place at a bridge of vines, a tor topped with crystal spires or a shimmering pool that attracts fireflies.

tools for - fantasy encounters faerie

terrain: type: theme:

At a quartz cliff. It is associated with a mysterious faerie dragon. there is a cursed area. Lingering attracts spirits
At a line of stepping stones over a narrow river. The area is cursed ground. There is an aggressive horse who is playing with flowers2
At a pool of sticky black healing mud surrounded by old roots. there is a stampede of herd beasts
At an area of red grass. an illusion disguises dangerous terrain
At a swaying tree that spontaneously sings sea shanties. There is a group of vagabonds and a cursed sprite who are swearing revenge on something
At a tree with a walkway spiralling around it to a hut surrounded by flowers. there is a phantom flying ship
At a shimmering pool near a patch of pink vines. There is a caustic human who is watching an illusion. They have a batteredbook about bees
At a creek meeting a brilliant river. there are beasts carrying disease
There is a group of hunters who are covered in moss. In a fight maybe a greater threat is attracted by the fighting. At a warded citadel
There is a tenacious priest of festival who is investigating an item - a scroll tube with deeds to a valuable mine. At an edge of a wide lake