Fantasy Quick Encounter - Faerie

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
This is a realm of eternal twilight, a spectacular reflection of mortal one. It brings visions of sparkling faerie lights, idyllic forest glades, sinister black bogs and skull-like mountains. Encounters could take place at a bridge of vines, a tor topped with crystal spires or a shimmering pool that attracts fireflies.

tools for - fantasy encounters faerie

terrain: type: theme:

At a river with a verdant island. There is a curious magical plant who is investigating a mushroom ring. Also, they are patrolling the area
There is a restless giant who is playing with flowers2. They have a bejeweled set of panpipes. At a muddy pool surrounded by moss. there is a damp smell
At a deep depression. There is a spellcasting snake who is picking mushrooms
At A fountain is surrounded by hedges of golden roses. Drinker of the water can shape the illusion hovering above the area.. there is a cursed area. Lingering attracts undead
There is a playful shapeshifting toad who is enchanted by fey magic. At a hidden cave entrance near a heap of trinkets
At a discoloured stream fed by a spring. a mist covers the area. There is a secretive courier who is floating through the air. They have a stained treasure map with directions written in Dwarven
There is a forest fire and smoke. At a shimmering tar pit surrounded by shallow water
At a pool of sticky black healing mud surrounded by reeds. there are beasts carrying disease
There is a group of bandits who are preparing food. In a fight they they avoid the foe that stands out most. At a large shining pool fed by a spring
At an area of dense ferns with a crumbling hut. colourful lights appear at random. there are cute animals carrying disease