Fantasy Quick Encounter - Hill

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Hill terrain covers a range between farmed valleys, rugged moors and mountain foothills. Encounters can occur among mossy rocks, by a stone circle or in an abandoned hill fortress. Often between mountains and plains, civilisation and the wilds, they are the home of vigilant sentries, monstrous raiders and beasts domestic or wild.

tools for - fantasy encounters hill

terrain: type: theme:

At a pretty island. there is the bones of an ox. There is a few warriors who are sheltering from adverse weather. They have a delicate large pan
At a mostly-built bridge over an ugly canyon. There is a group of outlaws who are investigating a cave entrance. If a fight breaks out possibly a third group of combatants join in
At a foreboding shed. There is a raven who is investigating a cave entrance
At a set of steps leading to a shallow cave. There is an archdruid who are tired. In a fight they they quickly retreat and try attacking again from ambush
At A humanoid chalk figure of is carved into the hillside. There is a hut nearby. Locals gather here on full moons for a night-long festival.. a distressed creature is caught in something. Makes lots of noise if others approach
At a hidden crossroads. There is a band of halflings who are fleeing a nearby threat. If a fight breaks out possibly a greater power sends aid to a faithful servant
There is a romantic magistrate who is chasing herd animals. At a steep and narrow trail and a clear stream
There is a short-tempered candlemaker who is sowing crops. At a large rock
At a few fruit trees. a storm is approaching. a beacon flashes in the distance. Is it a warning or a cry for help?
There are cute animals carrying disease. At a barren mesa. the sun is shining