Fantasy Quick Encounter - Mountain

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Mountains encounters bring visions of snow-topped crags, mighty waterfalls, verdant valleys and cloud castles. They are the home of proud highland tribes, avian predators and mighty giants.

terrain: type: theme:

At a wood of trees. The area is protected by a poltergeist. There is a haunted wraith who is asking for help. They have a Rope of Secrets cursed by a deity of endurance
At an unusual glacier. There is a regretful paladin who is flying kites. They have a demanding pet lion
At a sparkling waterfall into a polluted lake and a patch of thorny foliage. there is a rainbow. There is a family of dwarves who are making music. If a fight breaks out possibly all magic items start glowing with a green light
There is a mage who are fishing. If a fight breaks out possibly someone sees an omen or portent. At a patch of overgrown flowers by a statue
There is an injured crab who is exploring area. At A waterfall descends from the clouds into a glittering lake. On its edge stand animal totems left by a local druid.
At Fish and other sea creatures can be seen swimming inside a glacier of blue ice. As creatures approach, an ocean scent grows stronger.. There is a few fey who are injured in some way (reduced speed)
At a minecart and minecart tracks with a few barren cedar trees. there is a strong scent of animals
At a glowing pool near a swift stream fed by a spring. earth tremors from earthquake or other source
At The Nesting Towers. Amongst the ruins of a monastery are many animal bones. At the top of a few standing towers are griffon nests.. there are insects carrying disease
There is an enchanted giant goat who is watching a nearby threat. At a sheltered obelisk. It is associated with a power of courage