Fantasy Quick Encounter - Mountain

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Mountains encounters bring visions of snow-topped crags, mighty waterfalls, verdant valleys and cloud castles. They are the home of proud highland tribes, avian predators and mighty giants.

terrain: type: theme:

A ghostly mist descends around the party. At a shallow pool with several copper coins. there is a pile of sand
At a drop down to jagged rocks. There is a strong-willed aristocrat who is fishing
At an area of carved trees. there is a snowstorm
At an icy waterfall into a sparkling lake. There is a reckless gnome who is yodelling. They have a garnet (transparent red) (100 gp)
There is a few outlaws who are being careful not to trigger an avalanche. In a fight they they surrender if things go badly. At a rugged outcrop
There are insects carrying disease. At a rope ladder up to a wide ledge near a rope ladder up to a wide ledge
There is a notable halfling who is building a shelter. At an area of tall ash trees
There is a cloud spirit who are investigating a dead body. In a fight they they attack at random. At a slippery slope
Earth tremors from earthquake or other source. At a deep fish-filled pond
There is a band of robbers who are bearing symbols of a deity of endurance. In a fight they they attempt to attack from hiding. At a reed-filled pond