Fantasy Quick Encounter - Mountain

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Mountains encounters bring visions of snow-topped crags, mighty waterfalls, verdant valleys and cloud castles. They are the home of proud highland tribes, avian predators and mighty giants.

terrain: type: theme:

At a flight of steps leading to a crumbling standing stones. earth tremors from earthquake or other source
At a barren chasm. earth tremors from earthquake or other source
At a patch of exotic moss. there is the body of a donkey. There is a treacherous pirate who is making music
At a field of colourful cotton grass. a ghostly mist descends around the party
At a rope ladder up to a wide ledge surrounded by thick ice. earth tremors from earthquake or other source
At an arcane quarry. There is a short-tempered priest who is sheltering from adverse weather. They have an obsidian (opaque black) (10 gp)
At a slippery slope. There is a skeleton and a wraith who are infected with a disease. In a fight they they fight to the bitter end
There is a short-tempered bounty hunter who is fishing. They have 1d3 gold bars (50 gp each). At a rough trail which is associated with a power of community
At a pile of logs. a distressed creature is caught in something. Makes lots of noise if others approach
At a patch of flowers. someone is calling for help nearby. there are insects carrying disease