Fantasy Quick Encounter - Ruins

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Ruins might be a haunted mansion, an abandoned village or a crumbling tomb, among broken masonry, fallen pillars and piles of debris. They are home to restless spirits, strange oozes, desperate cultists and arcane experiments.

tools for - fantasy encounters ruins

terrain: type: theme:

At a strange bridge. There is a flippant hunter and a secretive illusionist who are studying a portal. Also, they are hunting something
At a sacred cabin surrounded by debris. There is an argumentative shapeshifting cockroach who is hiding from a nearby threat. They have an inquisitive pet lizard
At a half-buried canal. beasts have escaped from captivity
At a pile of bricks by a vine-covered shrine to a power of lies. a storm is approaching. There is a jolly pickpocket who is building something
At a grove of vine-covered saplings. there is an area without gravity
At a collapsed artisan's workshop. It is protected by a ruins spirit. there is a brisk breeze from the south. There is a triton who is displaying the symbol of a local faction. Also, they are following something
At a flooded stream near a hidden fountain. There is an ethical human who is making a map
At a well of acid. There is a few ogres who are exploring the area
There is a clockwork-monster who are performing a ritual. In a fight they they keep away from foes with expensive looking gear. At a crumbling small monument
At a few stunted shrubs. There is an eagle who is waiting for something