Fantasy Quick Encounter - Swamp

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
The mists of the swamp hide many things, from the ruins of civilisations to shifting currents. Frogs and reptiles of all kind are found here, living alongside lizardfolk and snake-like abominations.

tools for - fantasy encounters swamp

terrain: type: theme:

There is a panicked heron who is harassed by insects. At a meadow of cultivated grass
At a patch of quicksand. There is a proud ranger who is adapted to the water (swim speed and can breathe underwater). They have a sardonyx (opaque bands of red and white) (50 gp)
At a half-submerged metal statue by an overgrown hedge. there is a scent of flowers. an illusion disguises dangerous terrain
There is a stampede of herd beasts. At Warlock's Lament. On an island of yellow grasses, a few trees entwine into the form of a woman, who curses any who meet her gaze. A rare plant with magical properties grows here.
At a dismal glade. There is a vulgar zombie who is repairing a boat
There is a gaunt human who is making a boat. At a rocky island
There is a capricious minister and a pushy scholar who are fishing. They have a fat pet snapper. At a few trees with webs spread between them
At A lake of shifting mud roils, forming into monstrous shapes that then collapse. Glowing sludge emerges from a cliff into the mud.. There is a dauntless constable who is training beasts. They have a ripped map to a trapped dungeon with notes in a guttural language
There is a friendly seal who is mutilated in some way. At an area of sharp thorns
At a bubbling pool with frequent mud geysers. There is a few frogfolk who are covered in leeches