Fantasy Quick Encounter - Swamp

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
The mists of the swamp hide many things, from the ruins of civilisations to shifting currents. Frogs and reptiles of all kind are found here, living alongside lizardfolk and snake-like abominations.

tools for - fantasy encounters swamp

terrain: type: theme:

At a crumbling gravestone. There is a few werecreatures who are repairing a boat. They have an affectionate pet boar
At a fetid pool. There is a ruthless tiefling who is making something with plants. They have A quiver of 20 silvered arrows
At a dyke. there is the skull of a beast. There is a reclusive aquamancer who is on a raft. They have 1d6 vials of acid
There is a few spirits who are investigating a boat. They have a large pet giant toad. At a mound of rocks. there are hydra tracks less than an hour old
There is a fey who are harassed by insects. In a fight they they attack at random. At a sunken hut raised from the water
At an area of muddy reeds with a shrine to a power of nature. someone has left a bucket of frogs. There is a pair of tricksters who are warding off spirits. Possible combat event is... a strong gust of wind blows through
At a muddy island. There is a cruel lizardfolk who is cursed
There is a stampede of herd beasts. At a hot spring which is blessed by a power of darkness
At a whitewashed belltower which is cursed ground. There is a distraught mud spirit who is marked by a deity of death. They have a large pet frog
At a fetid pool. there are many large dead toads. There is a troll who are aggressive. In a fight maybe someone notices a large fire nearby