Notable Location - Desert

A location that is known locally or further afield, as a landmark, place of history, magical danger or otherwise noteworthy.
The desert conjures images of sun-blasted wastes, stark canyons and sandy ridges. Encounters may take place at a well-guarded oasis, a lonely mesa, among half buried ruins or in the bed of a dried up river

tools for - fantasy location desert


A royal ruins. It is at the edge of a lake. It is cursed ground. is part of an ongoing struggle between powerful monsters.
Plants and a vegetable garden grow among monstrous bleached bones. Druidic magic sustains an oasis and fey are sometimes seen.
A sacred oasis. It is in a meadow. was the site of a renowned battle - a confederation of cities defeated an alliance of nations and a portal guards the spot.
A ghostly oasis. It is associated with hyenas.
Ruins of Mare's Sound is a ruins. It has a beautiful view. It is associated with vultures. is where famous lovers fled.
A magical cliff. It is in a meadow. It is blessed by a power of the sun. is the birthplace of a flamboyant knight.
A gleaming Heart. It has a portal to the Dungeons of Karpans. was the site of a famous battle - a confederation of peoples barely defeated planar creatures and a portal guards the spot.
The Vault of Infernal Sin is a Mines. It is visited ghosts and spirits. It is touched by fire magic.
Ruins of Lordenden is a ruins.
A warded monument. It is sacred to a power of strength.