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Fantasy Travel Companion
A travel companion for fantasy journeys big and small!
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Fulin (Whisper) is a dejected male cook with a sparkling belt and several bulging sacks, who is travelling to a nearby hedge maze. They are friendly
You are travelling with a small human brewer and a brother in a hurry to get to Rock Sands. Sudeiman is spreading the word of a deity of misfortune.
Gonella (Slacker) Hayfoot is a distant female halfling with ragged eyebrows, who is travelling to the same place as you and then Tiger's Hall and then the Sharpgaze Ruins. They have been with you since the last settlement. They are friendly
You are travelling with a babbling elf and an obese companion journeying to the next town. Varis is driving you insane.
Since the start of your journey your companion has been Faelyn Princestride, travelling to the town of Widow's Eye. They are a witty minotaur mayor with full lips and long hair and they are asking too many questions.
Yamyra "Bull" the Indigo is a honest female human initiate wearing lots of jewelry and an unusual fashion sense, who is travelling to the city of Castleton. They are always asking questions about dwarves
Lelleilsul is a young female human with a large hat and an ornate locket, who is focused on getting to Yeo Cliffs. They are always going on about storms
Crumit is a romantic halfling with sensual lips and spiky armour, who is journeying to meet someone on Sanctuary of doves. They are always going on about religion and travel with a disciplined husband
Zauditu Ulmokina is a tough human priest with an affectionate snake companion and silver clothes, who is focused on getting to wherever they want to go. They are hiding something and travel with two goblinoids
Kanithar Tallstag is an opinionated female goblin guildmaster with perfect teeth, who is in a hurry to get to meet someone in the Melk Downs. They have accompanied you for 1 days. They are spreading the word of a deity of strength
Fantasy Tables pdf Bundle