5e D&D Character Idea - Gnome

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
They are known for independence and curiosity, for a tie to wild creatures and clockwork devices. They are users of illusion, joke-tellers and gem-lovers.

tools for - dnd5e adventurers gnome


Burgell "Smiggles" is a male gnome Paladin

Background - Charlatan
Family - You several sisters and brothers who constantly play pranks on each other. You were all raised by elderly grandparents who encouraged you.

Trait - The more danger there is, the more curious I get
Ideal - Change. Life is an adventure, and we must be ready to face new challenges every day
Bond - There is a flying ship I intend to make mine, whether by buying it or stealing it
Flaw - I can't resist a challenge

Trinket - A chain of bronze holding a chunk of obsidian with the world "Complete" in Gnomish
Possible Pet - Meinz is a clockwork dog given to you by a cousin. It has a loud metallic bark but no bite

Kaswin Loudboot is a gnome Wizard

Background - Folk Hero
Family - You have five older siblings who were always asking questions. Your parents rarely gave answers to your questions so you looked for them yourself.

Trait - I am always working on new inventions and spreading my ideas
Ideal - Freedom. Everyone should be able to learn what they want and make a living as they please
Bond - My place of work is the most important thing I have
Flaw - I'm always in debt, but I always have a plan for getting out of it

Trinket - A glass box intended to display a precious stone. It glows green in moonlight
Possible Pet - Abunza is a dancing hedgehog that likes high places. They get excited by any music being played

Villinoh "Slayer " is a gnome Rogue

Background - Noble
Family - Your family are known for their prominent noses and an annual joke-telling contest. You grew up surrounded by fast-talkers, tricksters and minstrels.

Trait - When I grow angry or jealous I blame it on the fiendish blood of my great-grandparent.
Ideal - Creativity. The world needs bold ideas and plans
Bond - I idolize a gnome hero known for cunning deeds and sharp wits
Flaw - I make everything over-complicated. Simple things bore me

Trinket - A walking clockwork centipede that can go forward two feet before stopping
Possible Pet - Rabbit is a affectionate goat named by your cousin. They sometimes let children ride them

Meena Nopenstallen is a female gnome Rogue

Background - Outlander
Family - You were raised by a clockwork golem in an enchanted tower. You and your cousin Lizard used to explore nearby caves together

Trait - I love to stand in gardens for hours at a time
Ideal - Invention. We need new ideas to make a difference in the world
Bond - I have something I need to make. Something impressive that will change the world
Flaw - I make everything over-complicated. Simple things bore me

Trinket - A small silver compass with an inspirational quote in gnomish
Possible Pet - Rabbit is a affectionate goat named by your cousin. They sometimes let children ride them

"Wrinkles" Tarkelby is a male gnome Fighter

Background - Charlatan
Family - Your distant relations brought you up, moving from city to city. Then a couple of months ago they disappeared, leaving large debts

Trait - I am horribly, horribly awkward in social situations
Ideal - Aspiration. I work to be the best at what I do
Bond - Nothing is more important than the group of inventors and thinkers I belong to
Flaw - I have difficulty seeing the viewpoint of others

Trinket - A chain of bronze holding a chunk of obsidian with the world "Complete" in Gnomish
Possible Pet - Granny is an enchanted sparkly stone that follow you somehow. Appearing even when lost