D&D Quick NPC - Gnome

NPC based on 3 line npc method with a quick visible trait and name, a bit of personality and a hook or activity.
They are known for independence and curiosity, for a tie to wild creatures and clockwork devices. They are users of illusion, joke-tellers and gem-lovers.

tools for - dnd5e npcs gnome

type: ancestry:

Paggen Qinroris is a rude gnome urchin with torn attire and a red musical instrument. He believes in the ideal of balance and has a reputation for starting fights
Yebe "Elf" Munggen is an eccentric female outlander with a lovely clasp. She is upbeat about everything and is envious of another's possessions
With really long arms, Fartor "Mare" Waggletop is a vulgar male mercenary. He likes animals and seeks to start a brewery
Breena "Filchbatter" is an intense female landlord with burnt arms and sensual lips. She is unbelievably unlucky and has good and bad news for a character
Frug Fiddlefen is a cooperative gnome with an odour of rain and fresh runes on their forehead. He is surprisingly fortunate and is currently frowning into the distance
With a dark frog pet, Fartor "Gazelle" is a veteran gnome noble. He is out for revenge and is currently studying a well
Brocc Gobblefirn is a bitter gnome with lank hair. He is in a messy relationship and is currently speaking in a high voice to a friend
With formal attire and ill-fitting clothes, Menny Lightwing is an outraged female barbarian. She is trying to drink away bad memories and is collecting momentoes from many lands
With a stooped posture and a bright green scarf, "Toad" Pingun is a cooperative male gnome assassin. He loves painting his surroundings. and has to confront a danger released by actions of a family member
Wearing dirty attire and a dangerous smile, Nyx is a flamboyant gnome paladin. She is protective of friends and is currently reading a book on herbs