5e D&D Character Idea - Human

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
Humans are the most adaptable of D&D ancestries, seen in a bewildering variety of cultures and outlooks.

tools for - dnd5e adventurers human


Mumed Chergoba is a male human Cleric

Background - Criminal
Family - You have two older sisters and one younger brother. Your mother is a renowned mage and revealed a great secret to you

Trait - I can't pay attention to anything for long
Ideal - Responsibility. It is the duty of all people to make the world around them a good place
Bond - I will find a way to live forever
Flaw - I seek immortality at any cost

Trinket - An empty journal titled "My Great Adventure" given to you when on becoming an adult
Possible Distant Ancestry - slaad
Possible Pet - Fireball is a friendly calf that loves the sun that you rescued from their dying mother

Silifrey Starag is a female human Ranger

Background - Criminal
Family - Your father is a skilled healer and mother is a veteran soldier. You have two siblings, one who hasn't been heard from in over a year.

Trait - When I grow angry or jealous I blame it on the fiendish blood of my great-grandparent.
Ideal - Respect. All people, whatever their background, deserve respect
Bond - I want to make the world a better place for future generations
Flaw - I am inflexible in my beliefs

Trinket - A damaged lantern that reminds you of your first love
Possible Pet - Destiny is an spiteful crow you got to replace another beloved pet

Alhamazad is a human Cleric

Background - Hermit
Family - Your father is a skilled healer and mother is a veteran soldier. You have two siblings, one who hasn't been heard from in over a year.

Trait - My favorite thing is a relaxed drink with friends
Ideal - Freedom. Everyone should be able to walk their own path
Bond - My tools are symbols of my past life, and I carry them so that I will never forget my roots
Flaw - I am too often wrapped up in my own world

Trinket - A wooden sickle with the word "Autumn" inscribed in Sylvan
Possible Pet - Rascal is an amusing cat that likes to attack and play with lights

Micas Sarv is a male human Bard

Background - Guild Artisan
Family - You were orphaned young but an aunt raised you. You have known severeal homes and have many you treat as siblings. A cousin recently told you a secret about your parents

Trait - My good looks are there for all to see
Ideal - Live and Let Live. In a world of dragons and ghosts ideas aren't worth killing for
Bond - There is a great evil I am destined to destroy
Flaw - I am inflexible in my beliefs

Trinket - A tooth that belonged to an renowned priest
Possible Pet - Rascal is an amusing cat that likes to attack and play with lights

Luisa is a female human Wizard

Background - Urchin
Family - You were adopted by extended family after your parents were slain by raiders. You have many cousins scattered in many lands

Trait - I live day to day. What has happened and what might happen don't matter
Ideal - Aspiration. I work to be the best at what I do
Bond - I will become the greatest adventurer who has ever lived
Flaw - I spend money as fast as it comes to me

Trinket - An ancient coin from a lost civilization
Possible Distant Ancestry - snake-creature
Possible Pet - Regal is a hawk that likes to be the center of attention. You won them in a contest