5e D&D Character Idea - Human

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
Humans are the most adaptable of D&D ancestries, seen in a bewildering variety of cultures and outlooks.

tools for - dnd5e adventurers human


Jiang is a human Druid

Background - Outlander
Family - a parents raised you.

Trait - I idolize a hero of my people and refer often the their deeds and legends
Ideal - Greed. Wealth and a better life are the reasons for the adventuring life
Bond - My bloodline descends from ancient times
Flaw - I've never satisfied with what I have

Trinket - A toy horse with colored beads for eyes
Possible Pet - Regal is a hawk that likes to be the center of attention. You won them in a contest

Luisa is a female human Cleric

Background - Soldier
Family - You have two older sisters and one younger brother. Your mother is a renowned mage and revealed a great secret to you

Trait - My favorite thing is a relaxed drink with friends
Ideal - Aspiration. I work to be the best at what I do
Bond - My bloodline descends from ancient times
Flaw - Pride will be my downfall

Trinket - A tooth that belonged to an renowned priest
Possible Distant Ancestry - chromatic dragon
Possible Pet - Regal is a hawk that likes to be the center of attention. You won them in a contest

Ir is a male human Cleric

Background - Guild Artisan
Family - Your family breeds rare animals and as the oldest child you were expected to keep up the family tradition

Trait - I am tolerant of other people, cultures and beliefs
Ideal - Power. If I can gain power, who knows what great things I can make happen
Bond - There is a great evil I am destined to destroy
Flaw - I'll do anything for a chance of glory

Trinket - An empty journal titled "My Great Adventure" given to you when on becoming an adult
Possible Distant Ancestry - ogre
Possible Pet - Destiny is an spiteful crow you got to replace another beloved pet

Darvin is a human Rogue

Background - Charlatan
Family - You grew up an only child raised by you father. You inherited a book detailing the deeds of three generations of adventurers including your mother

Trait - I am tolerant of other people, cultures and beliefs
Ideal - Freedom. Everyone should be able to walk their own path
Bond - I have a rival and do anything to prove myself the better person
Flaw - I am inflexible in my beliefs

Trinket - A weathered book titled "The Caravan Guard's Handbook"
Possible Distant Ancestry - dwarf
Possible Pet - Shadow is a small fire beetle. They are afraid of the dark and they were a gift from a lover

Pieron Wan is a human Druid

Background - Soldier
Family - a grandparents raised you. you have one step sister

Trait - My favorite thing is a relaxed drink with friends
Ideal - Freedom. Everyone should be able to walk their own path
Bond - Where I grew up is my home, and I'll fight to defend it
Flaw - I am too often wrapped up in my own world

Trinket - A tooth that belonged to an renowned priest
Possible Distant Ancestry - nonhuman humanoid
Possible Pet - Destiny is an spiteful crow you got to replace another beloved pet