D&D Quick NPC - Human

NPC based on 3 line npc method with a quick visible trait and name, a bit of personality and a hook or activity.
Humans are the most adaptable of D&D ancestries, seen in a bewildering variety of cultures and outlooks.

tools for - dnd5e npcs human

type: ancestry:

With an elderly scorpion and an owl mask, Tomik Tandris is a clean warlock. They are in disguise for imaginary reasons and are the cousin of a talented demigod
Imzel is a gruff female human wearing a metal breastplate. She likes conversations on goblinoids and is the local champion for an unusual sport
Urth Bersk is an austere human warlock with a magical sword. He is suspicious of others and has a pet playful lizard who is missing
Murithi is a ruthless human guide with a pair of glasses. She believes in the importance of friendship and seeks to find an elemental Ring of Illusion
Sudeiman is a ruthless male human charlatan with a rough bracelet. He is an important member of a military order and is currently standing by a dirty spring
Ehput-Ki is an intuitive human farmer with a lazy awakened plant companion. They are loyal to a famous benefactor and are trying to warn of an invasion
Hama is an intimidating human ranger with a colorful bracelet. They are loyal to a generous patron and are currently painting a toy rust monster
Who smells of burning, Chathi is an awkward female human vintner. She is surprisingly unlucky and has the same goal as a character
Stor is an aggressive male human with a huge nose and bleached eyebrows. He loathes elves and has a pet beautiful frog who is missing
With a prominent tattoo of a tiger and a magical musical instrument, Bran is a grim human villager. They are often reckless and are currently knitting