Fantasy Quick Encounter - Frost

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Themes of winter, cold and ice. Blizzards, yetis, snow, and glaciers.

tools for - fantasy encounters frost

terrain: type: theme:

There is a chimera and a tundra dragon who are hiding. At a treacherous walkway
There is a pair of robbers who are skating. In a fight maybe someone's weapon gets stuck in the terrain. At a mammoth skeleton
At an ice crack. there is a snow blizzard
At a deep hollow surrounded by frost-covered rock. There is a triton who is climbing. They have a fey knife made from wool engraved with an advertisement
At a sheet of ice with a crack running through it. there is a lichen-covered cairn. There is an unfriendly penguin who is hiding in the snow
There is a snow imp who is pulling a sled. Also, they are ending a journey or migration. At a rope ladder leading up a cliff of black ice
There is a snow blizzard. At a pair of concealed cave entrances
At a sinkhole in ice. There is a band of outlaws who are angry. If a fight breaks out possibly someone recognises an opponent as someone who has spared or saved their life in the past
At a column of ice. There is a cursed human zombie who is putting up tents
At a pool of slippery ice near a snow-covered statue. There is an inquisitive wolf who is hopelessly lost