Fantasy Quick Encounter - Grassland

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Grasslands could be grassy savannah, fertile plains or the endless steppes. Encounters might occur in areas of long grass, at an abandoned windmill or by a small group of isolated trees.

terrain: type: theme:

At a green slope. sleet is falling. an illusion disguises dangerous terrain
There are cute animals carrying disease. At a muddy spring
At an area of heath. several skeletons of beasts are arranged in a circle. There is a gathering of foragers who are running
At a patch of cultivated short grass surrounded by flowers. There is a group of goblins who are fishing. Also, they are on a spiritual journey
At a meadow of discoloured flowers. there is lots of smoke from a large fire
At a field of short grass. There is a pair of bailiffs who are bearing symbols of a power of storms. In a fight they they focus all their attention on foes attempting to hide
A distressed creature is caught in something. Makes lots of noise if others approach. At a cultivated garden
A fire breaks out. At an area of ferns. It is associated with divine magic
At a sheltered wooden bridge surrounded by long grass. There is a steppes drake who is marked by a sky deity. They have a small bottle of potent poison
A wildfire is spreading closer. At an unattended wagon with 2 draft horses