Notable Location - Grassland

A location that is known locally or further afield, as a landmark, place of history, magical danger or otherwise noteworthy.
Grasslands could be grassy savannah, fertile plains or the endless steppes. Encounters might occur in areas of long grass, at an abandoned windmill or by a small group of isolated trees.

tools for - fantasy location grassland


Overgrown gardens surround the ruins of an old temple of the sun. The area is being used to keep a variety of livestock.
The Bastion of the Furious Angel is a gloomy tower. It is known to a character, who recognises the place from their dreams. It is associated with a power of storms.
A strange manor. It has an aura of powerful beast magic. It is associated with a power of air. was the site of a famous ritual.
Lodge of the Green. A majestic inn dominates a verdant meadow. On nights of a full moon the fey come to visit in large numbers.
Old walls encircle huts and beasts pens. A stone tablet marks the area as protected by a spirit of the sky. Several horses are tied up.
A beautiful meadow. It has a music festival that happens year. It is associated with dangerous magic.
There is a ferry over a wide river, worked by a group of silent river spirits. The sounds of crickets can be heard at all times.
A magical mushroom ring. It is the subject of a poem.
Ruins of Dregnirion's Wood is a ruins. It has a magnificent view. was the site of a renowned battle - mercenaries fought a nation and spirits haunt the place.
A colorful temple to a power of storms. was where a god was born.