Fantasy One-Shot - Spooky

Adventures that can be achieved in one sitting. Perfect for playing unusual characters, new games, alternate settings and strange situations.
Spooky and uncomfortable themes form the backdrop of horror. Involving ghosts, night, fear, vampires, werewolves and Halloween

tools for - fantasy oneshot quest spooky


The PCs are travelers looking for a night's shelter, after their coach had an accident who must put on a fashion show. Two of the characters have a bet about the evening. It might involve underwater.
There is a heartbroken local who turns out to be the villain.
The characters start with an attempted theft. Early on there is a local festival. If things are going nowhere a spirit tries to communicate with a character.
It finishes with a reward of a favor.

The characters are a group of recently met adventurers answering a noticeboard message to meet at the location.
It is at a walled graveyard which has a garden of huge pumpkins.
There are a mismatched group of talking animals getting ready for a hunt. And an old priest seeks to avoid their death, foretold to be on this night.
At some point a deity sends an omen.
As the adventure progresses more and more zombies start to approach

The PCs are members of a secret society gathering for an initiation who must escape from a part-buried vault. Two of the characters have fallen in love. It might involve snakes.
There is a treacherous mercenary who falls in love with a character.
The characters start during a heist. At some point they meet an old foe. If things get stuck a bell starts to toll.
It finishes with a reward of an artifact.

The PCs are members of a crime family gathering for a meeting with the boss who must run a tavern for one night as a favour for the owner. It is frequented by halflings. It might involve lycanthropes.
There is a friendly druid who falls in love with a character. they are the travel companion of a character.
The characters start teleported somewhere hostile. Partway through they encounter a teleportation trap. If things slow down there is roll of thunder and flash of lightning.
Afterwards there is the characters all posing together.

The PCs are a novice group of adventurers looking after the place for a night who must sell a famous statue. It might involve summer.
There is a charismatic bard who betrays them partway through. they are part of same organisation as a character.
The characters start during a heist. Partway through there is a significant change of pace. If things get stuck an old foe arrives.
Afterwards there is a funeral. Possible sequel... one or more characters start having dreams related to a monster from the adventure