Fantasy Art Object - Spooky

A treasure in a hoard, part of a valued collection, a family heirloom, a temple relic or a personal trinket.
Spooky and uncomfortable themes form the backdrop of horror. Involving ghosts, night, fear, vampires, werewolves and Halloween

tools for - fantasy treasure spooky


A shell bracelet that floats off at random intervals, it has bloodstains (150 gp)
A sweet-smelling bedroll made of silk (1000 gp)
A durable jewelry box made of spinel that becomes a swarm of bugs at night, but it has a crack (500 gp)
A shard of dragonbone decorated with white feathers that makes discordant noises (5000 gp)
A silver-plated amber armband which was used in a dark ritual (2500 gp)
A doll made of hemp that whispers the name of a demon (500 gp)
A well-made dragonbone bust of a tower (600 gp)
A durable puppet made of shell (150 gp)
A trousers made of fur (500 gp)
A piece of dragonbone (500 gp)