D&D Quick NPC - Minotaur

NPC based on 3 line npc method with a quick visible trait and name, a bit of personality and a hook or activity.
They are associated with goring horns, honour, rage, battle and boats. From Ravnica and Theros, they can charge foes with their horns, are never unarmed and knock them backwards in melee.

tools for - dnd5e npcs minotaur

type: ancestry:

Sandruu is a rugged male minotaur entertainer with a tired look. He has many friends and has a short side quest for the characters
Dornik is a pale male minotaur covered in battle scars. He is passionate about stories of magic and is currently performing a song
Kalka is a fierce storyteller with a dark bat pet. They have a large family and are currently writing a story
Covered in bronze tattoos, Igavos is a healthy cartwright. He loathes goblins and is ruled by a phobia of lizards
With a partly-shaved head, Melislek is a haggard minotaur sorcerer. He has an affinity with animals and is currently playing with a pet dog
Dhazdoro is a suave minotaur potter with half-covered tattoos on their forehead and a distinctive birthmark. She has several unpopular views and is looking for aid against a powerful enemy
Kyris is a brazen male trader with a strange awakened fungus pet and a white jacket. He believes dance is appropriate at any time and is hunting down a threat to loved ones
Drakmir is a manipulative male minotaur trapper with a single impressive tattoo. He adores one particular game and is currently smoking pipeweed
Dornik is a cuddly minotaur with long hair. He loves talking in Celestial and is currently reading something
Firellan is a haughty minotaur with a masterwork spear. He has a strong sense of honor and seeks to recover a necromantic crown