D&D 5E Trinket - City

Keepsake, momento, curiousity, heirloom, or sentimental junk possessed by an adventurer or as a minor treasure.
Fantasy cities present opportunities and dangers to characters. Shops, thieves, taverns, intrigue, sewers and downtime await.

environment: theme:

An ivory key with the name of a city, that doesn't fit any lock
A clamshell containing many buttons
A light electrum medallion that has the faint scent of roses
A flute made from pearl and shell painted with a proud giant rat
A small iron plaque with city heraldry, that sticks to other metal
A wine cork from a vintage bottle you remember fondly
An eerie knife made from glass that attracts songbirds
A battered model airship given to you by a renowned ruler
A shimmering perfume bottle made from feathers and black dragon scales which your parents gave you to give to your first child
A mesmerizing foot made from blue coral