D&D 5E Trinket - Otherworldly

Keepsake, momento, curiousity, heirloom, or sentimental junk possessed by an adventurer or as a minor treasure.
Beyond the world of mortals are other planes and realms, of deities, angels, dreams, elementals, demons and far stranger creatures.

environment: theme:

A sword shard with a poem about betrayal and redemption
A rope swing
A preserved lizardfolk finger painted white
A kobold flute made from pebbles painted yellow
A locket of bright hair, said to be from a creature of another world
A wreath of flowers with a riddle in Aquan showing many flowers
A dessicated dwarf nose which crawls along by itself
An obsidian statuette of a horse with flaming hooves and mane
A mummified gnome bone decorated in sigils
An enchanted crystal slipper said to be from a Upper Plane