D&D 5E Trinket - Otherworldly

Keepsake, momento, curiousity, heirloom, or sentimental junk possessed by an adventurer or as a minor treasure.
Beyond the world of mortals are other planes and realms, of deities, angels, dreams, elementals, demons and far stranger creatures.

environment: theme:

A plain quiver made from flowers
A dessicated gnome nose
A flint arrowhead inscribed with a secret of the Elder Evil
A figurine of a hawk made from fur
A crystal six-sided die, with runes of Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Chaos and Law
A lump of dried clay signed by an astral priest that floats briefly at each dusk
A small pulsating blob marked with glittering symbols
A blighted comb made from crystal and gold wire that was given to your family by a chaotic demigod
A moldy plate made from carapace that always smells of wax
Ash that is always warm, from a plane of fire