D&D 5E Trinket - Spooky

Keepsake, momento, curiousity, heirloom, or sentimental junk possessed by an adventurer or as a minor treasure.
Spooky and uncomfortable themes form the backdrop of horror. Involving ghosts, night, fear, vampires, werewolves and Halloween

environment: theme:

A petrified human eyeball which starts to smoke in direct sunlight
A lump of wood
A small glass jar with a large tongue, pickled in a foul-smelling liquid
A disturbing note written in blood with a name written in Sylvan
A tarnished golden locket depicting two children. Their expressions twist and change depending on the time of day.
A necromantic hag's eye
A smooth pebble that vibrates and hums when near to a shapechanger
An accursed foot made from bone that is associated with a demon cult
A lump of amber describing a ritual to be performed on a full moon
A mummified dragonborn brain that glows black on sacred ground