Fantasy Character Idea - Hinterlands

System-neutral idea for a fantasy adventurer or other protagonist of an rpg
Rural areas of Fantasy covers nearly everwhere settled outside the cities. Quiet farms, bustling market towns, well-travelled roads and old villages.

env: ancestry: type:

Diero the Diviner

a reckless hinterlands champion who smells of perfume and with a striking holy symbol. They have a holy Potion of Life Stealing and have many tales of foreign lands
Bond - A rival defeated me and I will take my revenge on them when the time is right
Flaw- I am too often wrapped up in my own world
Trinket - a sketch of a gigantic beast pulling a strange device in a field
Foretelling - When you were named, a blind witch dreamt that when the grey demigod betrayed you, you would lose a loved one


a handsome hinterlands forester with a ghostly mask and holding a parasol. They have the ideal of live and let live and have a holy Necklace of Shadows
Flaw- Pride will be my downfall
Ideal - Faith. If I do the right thing then my faith will be rewarded in kind
Trinket - an animated box made from satin

Aethmael Sarmenor

an entertaining hinterlands sailor with a beautiful tiny elemental and with fresh scars on their neck. They believe others are to blame for any problems and have superstition to circle every home once before entering, or evil may follow you inside
Family - you are the youngest of nine. Your mother is a skilled alchemist and revealed a great secret to you
Trait - I misuse long words in an attempt to sound smarter
Flaw- I spend money as fast as it comes to me
Pet - Scarlet is a pampered mongoose. They are always bringing you dead things as gifts and they were a gift from a friend
Foretelling - During a full moon, an outcast elder warned that when you achieved your greatest victory, you would rarely find anger again


a hardy hinterlands herbalist with an enormous smile and with several iron amulets. They believe in freedom above all else and want to destroy a famous blade
Trait - I have a favorite aunt and I'm always sharing their wisdom
Flaw- My hatred of those who wronged me is blind and unwavering
Trinket - a set of four tiny wagon wheels, bound together with frayed rope
Pet - Destiny is a goat. They are injured


a ruthless sergeant holding a yoke and dressed in outlandish attire. They have a floating Rope of Understanding and hate the colour brown
Family - Your father is a famed necromancer and your mother is a famed illusionist. You are the youngest child and loved by everyone
Bond - I worked the land, I love the land, and I will protect the land
Trait - I judge people by their actions, not their words
Flaw- I am inflexible in my beliefs
Ideal - Aspiration. One day my name will by known by all of my kind
Pet - Destiny is an excitable rabbit. They like high places