D&D 5E Noncombat Encounter - Hill

Noncombat Encounters include creature groups, hazards and lone npcs. Maybe a lost lizardfolk, a forest fire or a talkative druid
Hill terrain covers a range between farmed valleys, rugged moors and mountain foothills. Encounters can occur among mossy rocks, by a stone circle or in an abandoned hill fortress. Often between mountains and plains, civilisation and the wilds, they are the home of vigilant sentries, monstrous raiders and beasts domestic or wild.

terrain: sources:


1 Satyr with Panpipes (Monster Manual p.267)

They are scared after their companions were killed by something nearby
At a large rock ready to roll down a slope (there are several rotten vegetables)
They are sheltering from bad weather
Possibly... they have alchemist's supplies


1 Druid named Gob Girthtree (male halfling)

They are scared after their companions were killed by something nearby
At a sheltered shrine to a power of endurance and a tall hedge (the sun is shining)
They are eating

They are studying a map
At an area of pretty foliage (nearby is a whitewashed temple to a power of trade)
They are chasing herd animals
Possibly... they have a Stone of Good Luck

They are pulling a cart or other vehicle but there is no driver
At an overgrown temple to a power of nature and a low hedge (a mist covers the area)
They are angry about something

Deekah Landdiver is a stingy minotaur berserker with a partially-shaved head. He believes in feasting at every opportunity and is currently speaking slowly to an underling
At an area of edible parsnips. There is an overgrown shrine to a power of beasts with a covered hole (there is a statue of a dwarf ruler)
They are playing a trick on someone
Possibly... they have a forgery kit

Chan-Wook is a crafty halfling berserker with an odour of fish. He is quiet around others and is currently eating something unusual
At a rope leading up a cliff (close by is a cabin)
They are walking in a trance
Possibly... they have an Arrow of Slaying

They are wearing a collar
At an area of heath (it is associated with a dangerous hill giant)
They are fleeing a nearby disaster
Possibly... they have a pair of Goggles of Night

Jandar is a beautiful elf noble with a brightly patterned shield. They are a hardened drinker and are currently performing a story
At an abandoned small monument near a white ring of mushrooms (someone has left a sunflower)
They are working with stone

Klement Applewine is a crafty tiefling bandit with torn clothing. They are curious of others and are currently playing at cards
At an unusual bridge over a dark canyon. There is a stack of precariously balanced rocks with a pile of rocks (there is a Terran rune carved into a hillside)
They are hiding among rocks

They are the mount of a nearby creature
At a farm. There is a muddy pool with something shiny with a crumbling lodge (slighty hidden is a pouch of pretty stones)
They are playing near a cave