D&D Random Encounters for 5E - Feywild

Encounters might be a meeting with a patrol of guards at an old shrine or a familiar looking for aid. It might be an ambush in the wilderness, a stand-off in the city or a monster in the Underdark.
The Feywild is a realm of eternal twilight, a spectacular reflection of the Material Plane. It brings visions of sparkling faerie lights, idyllic forest glades, sinister black bogs and skull-like mountains. Encounters could take place at a bridge of vines, a tor topped with crystal spires or a shimmering pool that attracts fireflies.

tools for - dnd5e encounters feywild

level: party size: terrain: sources: type:

At a gleaming tree (close by is a powerful stream fed by a spring)
They are playing with an item - wreath of colourful flowers
In a fight they try to capture foes with ranged weapons
Possibly... they have alchemist's supplies
Difficulty... 450 Deadly


1 Carrion Crawler (Monster Manual p.37)

At a patch of brambles and a narrow depression (there is a pool that shows scenes of nearby villages)
They are bearing symbols of a powerful fey
In a fight they run and hide if things go badly
Possibly... during the fight a strong gust of wind blows through
Difficulty... 450 Deadly

At an ivy-covered house carved from a large tree (clothing is strewn around)
They are floating through the air
In a fight they attack whoever looks most dangerous
Possibly... during the fight a swarm of beetles attacks someone
Difficulty... 300.0 Hard


A group of spiders

1 Swarm of Spiders (Monster Manual p.338)
1 Giant Wolf Spider
1 Giant Spider
1 Spider

At a pile of skulls (there iare several fancy hats)
They are investigating a mushroom ring
In a fight they run and hide if things go badly
Possibly... during the fight a cloud of dust or fog forms
Difficulty... 720 Deadly


A group of sylvan creatures

1 Dryad
1 Pixie (Monster Manual p.253)
1 Giant Owl

At a shining |enchanted treehouse surrounded by short grass (there is a hut made of cake)
They are are searching for food or sustenance
In a fight they run away if things start going badly
Possibly... during the fight scavengers are attracted by the fighting
Difficulty... 600 Deadly