Adventure Location - Desert

Short location for an encounter, ambush or distraction. Options for a possible interesting extra.
The desert conjures images of sun-blasted wastes, stark canyons and sandy ridges. Encounters may take place at a well-guarded oasis, a lonely mesa, among half buried ruins or in the bed of a dried up river.

terrain: Terrain Type:

A shallow sinkhole near a cottage (there is an inscription here in Giant)
A beast pen holding mules (nearby is an area of hardy cacti)
A barren slope and a sweet spring (there is bright sunshine)
An area of hardy cacti (the area is protected by an elemental spirit)
A whitewashed shrine to a power of death and a statue (close to a group of small tents)
An area of brambles (a sandstorm is approaching)
A patch of blue plants by a muddy spring (there is a hidden cache with a Potion of Fire Breath)
A patch of dead black flowers and a shrine to a forgotten power (nearby is a pile of rocks and debris)
A sheltered watchtower (nearby is a patch of golden flowers)
A few dead cactis surrounded by soft sand (it is dusty)