D&D Notable Location - Road

A location that is known locally or further afield, as a landmark, place of history, magical danger or otherwise noteworthy.
A highway connecting two prominent cities, an ancient trail through sylvan woods or a road built by dwarves and now used by local tribes. Meet desperate brigands, friendly pilgrims, hungry mercenaries and locals herding goats

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An unusual ravine. It is attractive to ghosts and spirits.
An enchanted glacier. It is protected by a flying sword. was the site of a renowned battle - goblinoids barely defeated elves and many old weapons are found here.
A sunken house.
An overgrown ruins. It is at a crossroads. It has a great ritual that is held monthly.
A pretty chasm. It is at a river crossing. It has a festival that occurs once a decade. It is protected by a sentient plant. was where an elemental portal was built.
A celestial ravine. It is in a meadow. It has a programmed illusion.
Lobster Meet is a plaza. It has a well of powerful druidic magic. It has an impressive view.
A luminous ford. It is claimed by the green wizard.
LandVale is a remnant of another civilisation. It is a place where animals often congregate. is where a fiend was bound.
A mysterious monument.