Fantasy Character Idea - Sea

System-neutral idea for a fantasy adventurer or other protagonist of an rpg
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks

tools for - fantasy adventurers sea

env: ancestry: type:


a courageous sea beastfriend covered in jewelry and with a prominent brand. They want to destroy a foreboding magical laboratory and want to capture a pious bone seer
Family - You were raised by your older brother.
Flaw- I always sleep outdoors if I can
Ideal - People. The people around me are all that matter, not ideals
Pet - Sky is a barnacled unique fish. They love music and singing and have been reanimated

Wave Ula the Paddle

a brave envoy covered in long scars and with a transparent octopus companion. They have the ideal of live and let live and have the ideal of balance
Family - Your ancestor, Galina slew a demon. You will try to found a shrine in their name
Bond - I take the comforts of home with me wherever I go
Trait - I'm driven by a desire to see everything in the world
Flaw- I take big risks without worrying about consequences
Trinket - a dessicated human ear that is a good luck charm


a ruthless sea avenger with a torn uniform. They hate ships and have many friends
Family - you are the oldest of five. Your mother is a renowned gem cutter and looked after you
Bond - Ruthless pirates slew my crewmates, plundered our ship, and left me for dead. Vengeance will be mine
Trait - I have a love of boats and water I find hard to explain
Flaw- Once I start drinking, it's hard for me to stop
Ideal - Mastery. I'm a predator, and the other ships on the sea are my prey
Trinket - a misty pair of dice made from weathered timber and sharkskin
Foretelling - When your family was cursed, a sinister elf ordained that when a bold sage knelt, you would lose everything


a daring herald with a half-covered tattoo of a sharkfolk. They have the ideal of pride and want to make a trade with a fallen sentient ship
Family - you have one older sister and one younger sibling. Your family breeds goats Your last parent is in decline and the family is in competition to inherit valuable land
Flaw- I'm a sucker for a pretty face
Ideal - Respect. The thing that keeps a ship together is mutual respect between captain and crew
Foretelling - When you took your first steps, a powerful statue revealed that when the hawk favoured you, you would be chosen by a great power


a ruthless sea envoy with a gaudy circlet and with a brighty-colored pair of glasses. They have the ideal of discipline and want to collect a bounty on a flamboyant community of sea spirits
Family - Your father is a skilled healer and your mother is a famed elementalist. You are the youngest child and ignored by the family
Bond - I'm loyal to my ship first, everything else second
Flaw- I'm forever telling others what to do
Trinket - a yuan-ti satin glove with rules of a card game