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Sea Settlement - Sea
Coastal or sea village, town or city
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New Kingham is a charming fishing village with a population of 166
It is home to the ship The North Bard.
Rumours and Hooks
There is a handsome wind spirit that appears at night in Dragonguard Coast
an insecure queen was blackmailed by seafarers in a nearby harbour
a flying monster has been attacking ships in Beach of Timathian
Siani's Village is a settlement on an island pulled by whales
Rumours and Hooks
a navigator has been demanding tribute from vessels in Laughing Firth
There is high demand for rope at a nearby port
There is a strange ornate tomb that is a place of magic
There is a wise kraken with a bounty on it somewhere in the Sea of Adventurers
The Owl and Wheel Brewery is a cheap place frequented by pilgrims. It is known for strange beers and duels. Currently a grim brawler is laughing loudly and a serene musician is watching everyone else
The Winter Hunter is a famous Taphouse frequented by guards and dwarves. It is known for high prices
The Happy Priest is a rough bar frequented by adventurers. It is known for lively entertainement. There is a worried bartender running
Pilgrim's Cove is fragmented port city.
It is known for a legendary harbourside drinking-house, Three Shields Tavern. It was once site of magical disaster and spellcasters are mistrusted still. Recently a group of retired adventurers is buying up much of the settlement
Rumours and Hooks
The ghost of a passionate gambler called "Quick" Halimar haunts people on a nearby peninsula and nobody can put them to rest
a cruel knight is sailing the Iron Giant on a dangerous expedition
Some merfolk are saying sailors were washed ashore by the docks
Yumanea the shipmaker lost a sibling in a terrible accident
Talking Island of Acrobats is a ruined landmark in Luminous Bay. It was for a wedding by a noble fiend a decade ago
Sea End is a strange city with a population of 23700.
It is known for an infamous harbourside tavern, Laughing Goat. It was founded by wealthy adventurers, Worthy Brotherhood of the Red Veteran, when they chose to settle. Recently a foreign cult has become popular among the lower classes
Rumours and Hooks
The Whitewind is a new sailing ship setting on a dangerous journey
Rich refugees from far away arrived nearby and they are fleeing a great evil
an army is gathering in a nearby underwater city
There was a revolution in a neighbouring city-state
a great evil is stirring off a nearby coast
a temple of learning can give help on lore about herbs
Rowan's Island is a dusty hamlet with a population of 62. It is led by a shapeshifter posing as a priest of dusk
It is proud to be built near a cursed monument.
Rumours and Hooks
a local temple is covering up a dark secret
A nearby port is protected by a sea spirit
a beautiful scout named Beulah is the owner of much of the nearby land
Sea Tables Bundle