Notable Location - Sea

A location that is known locally or further afield, as a landmark, place of history, magical danger or otherwise noteworthy.
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks

tools for - fantasy location sea


Ruins of Daucinawell is a gorge. It is at a river crossing. It is cursed by a hag.
A cloud giant castle floating on the sea, whose ruler is magically asleep inside, guarded by elementals
A wooded island blessed by a powerful fey. Creatures from the sea come regularly to pay their respects
The Warrens of the Solemn Three is an iceberg. It has a music festival that is held annual.
An exposed wood. It is at a river crossing. has been moved from another plane.
A large island with several ships moored there. A group of dwarves or humans is building the start of a colony here
Three enchanted islands each home to a different hag of a coven
The Hold of Fish Port is a Hold. It is in a field. It has a holy day that is held once a decade. It is cursed ground. is the subject of a prophecy.
A decorated shipwreck. It has a holy day that is held every solstice. was the site of a notable battle - elves lost to a confederation of nations and there is a large monument remembering it.
PebbleVale is a dusty orchard. It is in a field. has the tomb of a perverse champion.