Fantasy Quick Encounter - Sea

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks

tools for - fantasy encounters sea

terrain: type: theme:

At At the mouth of a foul-smelling estuary stands an eroded watchtower. At low tide ruins and wrecks are visible in the waters.. There is a squad of corsairs who are watching something in the distance. In a fight maybe friendly reinforcements arrive
There is a ship. the Black Dog is a large sailing ship. The skipper is a foolish spy.. They are currently sinking. At a desolate jetty
At an area of rough water. there is a boat of bloated corpses. There is a few criminals who are mutilated in some way
At an area of rough water. there is a ghost ship
At a small island with a stack of wreckage surrounded by shells. There is a group of whales. They are adapted to breath underwater
At an island with forest of kelp. it is foggy. There is a group of sharks. They are marked by a darkness deity
At an area of choppy water which is associated with a mysterious fiend. There is an infamous charlatan who is foraging for seaweed
At a sea stack surrounded by heath. There is an unpredictable starfish who is finishing a journey
There is a dark vortex that pulls creatures in, portal to another plane. At a sand bank
At a floating corpse of a whale surrounded by plants. there is thunder and lightning. There is a griffon who is trying to get attention of a vessel. They have a scaled pet starfish