Fantasy Quick Encounter - Sea

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks

tools for - fantasy encounters sea

terrain: type: theme:

At an island with field of flowers. there is a phantom ship sailing underwater
There is a pirate queen who are hostile. In a fight they they fight to the bitter end. At a hidden shipwreck. there is a boat of bloated corpses
At A flat island, mostly covered at high tide. Low tide reveals hundreds of entrances to an extensive cave system. There is a group of seals. They are watching a nearby watercraft
At A cloud giant castle floating on the sea, whose ruler is magically asleep inside, guarded by elementals. There is a band of kobolds who are repairing something. In a fight maybe two combatants lock weapons in melee and become so close they start grappling
At an area of open sea. there is many long strands of bright seaweed. There is a triton who is investigating something from the surface
At an abandoned lighthouse. there is a desecrated shrine. Lingering attracts ghosts
There is a beacon of light in the distance. At a patch of hardy algae and a small island with a crumbling cottage
At a towering sea stack. dark clouds are approaching. There is an alliance of orcs who are repairing something. In a fight they they attack whoever is nearest
At a glass shipwreck. There is a boat. The Sineih is a jolly warship. It has a magical hold.. They are currently flying an unknown flag
There is a vessel. Sun Lord of Yamlith is an old galley with scorch marks.. They are currently in trouble. At a patch of dead coral