Fantasy Quick Encounter - Sea

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks

tools for - fantasy encounters sea

terrain: type: theme:

There is a ship. Barsall's Despair is a small cog. It is followed by magical tales.. They are currently flying an unknown flag. At an area of calm water
At a small island with a pile of coins by a sand bank. There is a reckless flying monster who is investigating an unusual type of seaweed or resting. They have furs and pelts worth 50 gp
A poisonous mist descends around party. At A sunken island with strange rampant seaweed. It is surrounded by kelp and a strong current forces swimmers down to it.
At a floating corpse of a giant octopus. There is a lobster who is mutilated in some way
A siren calls for help from a cave mouth. At a floating corpse of a giant octopus
There is a a sudden storm. At an overhanging cliff of an island and a pile of dead seaweed. there is a covered rowboat
At Ruins of an old temple where devils were worshiped. Sahuagin keep a watch on it and will try to sacrifice anyone investigating it. There is a group of turtles. They are gilled (can breath underwater)
There is a sea monster who are repairing something. In a fight maybe a weapon breaks at an unfortunate moment. At an unusual sea stack
There is a ghost ship sailing underwater. At a patch of insect-covered kelp and a sea stack
At a granite rock. There is a boat. Harpy of the North is an armoured galley. The captain is a grizzled killer.. They are currently in trouble