5e D&D Combat Encounters - Jungle

Combat Encounters include creature groups, hazards and lone npcs. Maybe a lost lizardfolk, a forest fire or a talkative druid
The jungle is a place of bright colours, hanging vines and thick canopy that often blocks the sun. Encounters might occur in a ruined temple or overgrown cliff and it is home to yuan-ti, tribal warriors and all kinds of reptiles.

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level: party size: terrain: sources: type:

At a rope bridge over a barrier surrounded by bare rock (close by is a patch of pretty moss)
They are fleeing a nearby threat
In a fight they run and hide if things go badly
Difficulty... 120 Easy

At a patch of razorvine surrounded by plants (there is a lone tree with a wooden platform)
They are stalking something
In a fight they attack whoever is nearest
Possibly... they have an ivory comb decorated with bright feathers (25 gp)
Difficulty... 700 Deadly

At a flooded stream near a few hanging vines that lead up to a platform (close to a clearing of ferns)
They are close to giving birth
In a fight they use ranged attacks and try to keep in cover
Possibly... they have a Dagger of Venom
Difficulty... 100 Easy

At a shallow stream by a vent of flammable marsh gas (nearby is a fence at the top of a cliff)
They are a shapechanger
In a fight they try to capture foes with ranged weapons
Difficulty... 450 Deadly

At an area of overgrown trees (a mists covers the area)
They are searching the area for a companion
In a fight they swarm the largest foe
Possibly... during the fight a trap is sprung
Difficulty... 200 Medium

At a hidden temple to a power of pestilence (which is associated with a powerful mud giant)
They are studying something in the trees
In a fight they run and hide if things go badly
Possibly... during the fight someone slips over and possibly knocks others over too
Difficulty... 600 Deadly


A group of bullywugs

4 Bullywugs (Monster Manual p.35)
2 Giant Frogs

At a pool covered with lily pads and a mound of bones (someone has left a turtle's shell)
They are making a new home
In a fight they avoid foes with ranged weapons
Possibly... they have a poisoner's kit
Difficulty... 600 Deadly

At a stream (which has a programmed illusion)
They are drinking from a water source
In a fight they attack whoever is causing them the most pain
Difficulty... 200 Medium

At a vine-covered temple to a power of the moon (near a remains of another civilisation)
They are studying something in the trees
In a fight they attack whoever looks most dangerous
Possibly... they have 1d3 Quaal's Feather Tokens - Whip
Difficulty... 600.0 Deadly


A group of blights

2 Needle Blights (Monster Manual p.32)
1 Vine Blight (Monster Manual p.32)
1 Twig Blight (Monster Manual p.32)

At a field of pink flowers (which is disguised by a hallucinatory terrain)
They are studying something in the trees
In a fight they fight to the bitter end
Possibly... they have
Difficulty... 450 Deadly