5e D&D Combat Encounters - Jungle

Combat Encounters include creature groups, hazards and lone npcs. Maybe a lost lizardfolk, a forest fire or a talkative druid
The jungle is a place of bright colours, hanging vines and thick canopy that often blocks the sun. Encounters might occur in a ruined temple or overgrown cliff and it is home to yuan-ti, tribal warriors and all kinds of reptiles.

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1 Yuan-ti Pureblood (Monster Manual p.310) named Lafi
4 Flying Snakes
1 Constrictor Snake

At a vine-covered step pyramid and a camouflaged simple pit trap (there is a cairn of stones and carapace)
They are chopping down trees
In a fight they used ranged attacks on any obvious spellcaster
Difficulty... 700 Deadly

At a wooden watchtower with a bronze bell (which is protected by a swarm of insects)
They are trying to lift a curse
In a fight they use ranged attacks on the nearest foe
Difficulty... 600 Deadly

At an abandoned stone path leading up a cliff and a sheltered campfire (there is a canoe)
They are studying something in the trees
In a fight they attempt hit and run tactics
Possibly... they have a poisoner's kit
Difficulty... 250 Medium


1 Druid named Janik (human)

At a narrow gorge (close to a slope of orange plants)
They are drinking from a water source
In a fight they used ranged attacks on anyone with religious icons
Possibly... during the fight a wall, tree or building starts to collapse or fall
Difficulty... 450 Deadly


1 Swarm of Wasps (Monster Manual p.338)

At a haunted inn (there are fungal spores that poison living beings)
They are starting a journey
In a fight they relentlessly attack one target
Possibly... they have 1d4 flasks of alchemist's fire
Difficulty... 100 Easy


1 Quaggoth (Monster Manual p.256) named Desna

At an ornate tomb. There is a few ferns with a few insect-covered shrubs (there are fresh tracks of nearby)
They are waiting in ambush
In a fight they focus all their attention on larger foes
Difficulty... 450 Deadly

At a flooded cairn (nearby is a hidden temple of a forgotten power)
They are partway through a journey
In a fight they run away as fast as they can if things go badly
Difficulty... 200 Medium


A group of bullywugs

4 Bullywugs (Monster Manual p.35)
2 Giant Frogs

At a reed-filled pool surrounded by moss (there is graffiti in Elvish telling a joke)
They are chopping down trees
In a fight they run away if things start going badly
Possibly... during the fight the weather changes for the better
Difficulty... 600 Deadly

At an area of charred saplings (close by is a few insect-covered trees)
They are studying something in the trees
In a fight they attack whoever is largest
Difficulty... 200 Medium

At a ladder leading up a tree surrounded by tangled roots (warm rain is falling)
They are playing with an item - coconut
In a fight they attack whoever is nearest
Possibly... during the fight opportunist(s) tries to steal mounts/backpacks or other loose equipment
Difficulty... 450 Deadly